Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating 

Introduction: Why did you choose this topic? Why is this topic important to know?
Where did you first hear about this topic? 15 pts
II. Summarize media coverage – What are articles on the web, magazines, social media,
blog, etc. claiming about your topic? Do they quote nutrition experts or reference reliable
nutrition sources? Can you identify any red flags? 10 pts
III. Summarize experts in the field – Find a university (e.g., non profit
organization (e.g. American Heart Association . org) or government agency (e.g. USDA .
gov) that provides expert opinion on your topic 10 pts
IV. Summarize a meta-analysis or systematic review paper – Find a research article that
summarizes many different research experiments and summarize the overall findings. If
you have questions regarding whether the study you found is a review, please send it to
me to confirm. 10 pts

V. Discussion (interpret and summarize overall findings. Were there major discrepancies
between media, expert, research review?) 15 pts
Grammer: 20 pts
Paper Format: 10 pts
Cite your resources using either APA or MLA format
Double-space, stapled, pages numbered
Font: Times New Roman (size 12)
All sources must be reliable except for your media coverage section
Page Limit: 2-3 pages
You will be turning your paper in electronically through Turnitin which detects
plagiarism and provides a percentage of how much your paper is plagiarized.
For every 10% above 20% you will be deducted 5 pts.
Plagiarism is the act of presenting another person’s ideas, research or writings as your own.
This includes submitting downloaded term papers or parts of term papers, paraphrasing or
copying information from the Internet without citing the source, and “cutting & pasting” from
various sources without “quotation