Jasper Gardens Nursing Home Business Case Analysis

Topic: Jasper Gardens Nursing Home Business Case Analysis

Business Case Analysis Format: Provide a 4-7 page narrative (1.15 to 1.5 spacing is acceptable; 12 pitch font, 1” margins) indicating your findings and your substantiated recommendations. Use APA format for citing in-text references and include a reference page (not included in the page count). Note, you do not need to provide in-text citations for information obtained from the Middleboro Casebook but you must cite all references you used from outside of the book. You may include tables, figures, calculations, etc. in an appendix that is not part of this page count. State any assumptions you make that are not provided in the cases (you can include those in an appendix if needed). Include with your submission, an Excel spreadsheet to show your financial analyses and any other quantitative analyses you may have conducted. The Casebook does not provide all the information you will need to complete this analysis. Therefore, you should plan on allocating research time to better inform yourself about the nursing home/assisted living/Alzhiemer’s/dementia care market. For example, you may be interested in delving into what insurance/ payment models, if any, pay for the various types of care/services that would be required; what the current trends are in delivering these types of services for this population; what the costs may be to build and staff such facilities; what regulatory issues may impact the pursuit of these options; just to name a few. BCA Content (minimum, but not limited to): 1. SWOT Analysis: Discuss Jasper Gardens’ key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. In doing so, you need to address the healthcare environment in which Jasper Gardens operates. Also incorporate findings from select data provided in the two cases’ tables. You do not need to assess all the data, only the data that you believe is most relevant to your task at hand. You do need to consider the quality measures provided in Table 8.7. Note, this section needs to be in narrative format. While you may provide the information in a SWOT table format, you still need to discuss each section. 2. Market Analysis of each proposal. This includes, but is not limited to, identifying the target market populations and specific needs of each market that would be addressed by the respective expansions, evaluating the level of competition, determining the effective market size, determining the cost associated with the facility expansions, and identifying reimbursement sources and proposed pricing. 3. Financial Analysis of Jasper Gardens and the capital investment proposals. Task 1: Assess Jasper Gardens’ current financial position, applying analytical tools you learned in Finance I and II. Describe the strengths and weakness of their current position. Task 2: Evaluate the financial feasibility of the two capital investment proposals, using tools you learned in Finance II. You can assume Jasper Gardens’ corporate cost of capital is 10%. 4. Recommendation with Supporting Arguments: Based upon your analysis, make a recommendation on which investment opportunity Jefferson Partners should pursue (you must select one, not both). Provide support for your recommendation. Discuss the benefits and risks associated with implementation of your proposal. Fully describe the changes Jasper Gardens (organizational plans) would have to make to implement this proposal. SWOT analysis must be there and there are two options to build an additional wing or an assisted living facility