Journal Article Critique (Medical Journal)

Journal Article Critique

The aim of this assignment is to critically evaluate a piece of research literature based on one aspect of endocrinology. You are provided with 6 research articles and have the option to choose one and critique it The articles provided range from research in better understanding the pathology of endocrine disorders to research related to treatment in this field.

Guidelines to critical review are as followed:

  • The review should be ±1500 words
  • The review should include a clear overview of the research article.
  • The rationale behind the research article needs to be included
  • A critique on the methodology used-Are they suitable for the proposed study?
  • Are the aims of objective clearly stated and have they been addressed?
  • Include critical analysis of the results and conclusions presented in the article
  • Include the limitations of the research conducted
  • How does the research advance knowledge within the field?
  • Include references to support your evaluation and discussions

Layout of the critique

There is no particular format to follow, however your critique should contain:

  • Title page with P number and citation of the research paper
  • Summary of the research outlining the background of the study, rationale for conducting the results and the main findings
  • Main body that critiques the methodology, results and the studies discussion.
  • Limitations of the study
  • Your conclusion