Kellogg Company Report

Kellogg Company Report

Project Report Outline

  1. Title Page

Does not count toward the page-limit.

List course number and section number, team number, and the assigned company.

List team members alphabetically by first and last name.

  1. Executive Summary

Summarize the main findings and recommendations. (one page)

  1. Overview of the Company and Industry

3.1 Brief introduction of the company on its history, status quo, and important events. (one page)

3.2 Identify the main industry where the company resides and offer overview of the industry. (one page)

  1. External Analysis

4.1 Use the “Five Forces” framework to conduct industry-level analysis. Identify threats and opportunities from the five forces: new entry, existing competitors, buyers, suppliers, and substitutes. (two pages)

  1. Internal Analysis

5.1 Identify at least 4 resources or capabilities of the firm. Assess each resource or capability by answering the four questions regarding value, rarity, imitability, and organization. (two pages)

  1. Business-level Strategy Analysis

Identify the current dominant business-level strategy of the company:

6.1 For cost-leadership strategy, Identify key sources of cost advantages. (one page)

6.2 For product-differentiation strategy, elaborate on how the company differentiates its products or services. (one page)

  1. Corporate-level Strategy Analysis

7.1 Explain if the firm uses vertical integration, and if so, elaborate on how the vertical integration leads to its competitive advantage. If the firm does not vertically integrate, explain the rationale. (one page)

7.2 Explain if the firm has diversification, and if so, elaborate on how the firm diversifies. If the firm has not diversified, provide suggestions on whether the firm should diversify and how. (one page)

7.3 Explain if the firm has formed any strategic alliances, and if so, how does the strategic alliance leads to competitive advantage. In the firm does not have any strategic alliance, identify a potential alliance partner and explain why forming an alliance with the suggested partner can lead to competitive advantage. (one page)

  1. Strategic Profit Model

8.1 Read the 2019 annual 10-K report of the company, and calculate the ROS, Asset Turnover, Leverage Ratio, and ROE. May include some snapshots of financial report tables. (one page)

8.2 Identify a rival of the focal firm, and calculate the ROS, Asset Turnover, Leverage Ratio, and ROE from its 2019 10-K report. May include some snapshots of financial report tables. (one page)

8.3 Compare the ratios and performance of the focal firm to its rival and suggest how the focal firm can enhance its performance. (one page)

  1. Recommendations

9.1 Summarize the current strategy of the focal company.

9.2 Explains the pros and cons of the current strategy. Be specific and provide rationale. (one page)

9.3 Suggest some strategic changes that may enhance the competitive advantage. Be specific and provide rationale. (one page)

  1. Reference

List any cited materials (books, academic papers, websites, and other publications)