Leader Analysis. Leadership Analysis. Analysis of a Leader.

Leader Analysis. Leadershhip Analysis. Analysis of a Leader.

Assignment Instructions:

Choose 4-5 current leaders in your field who demonstrate ethical leadership, unethical leadership, or both. You may choose to focus on all ethical leaders; all unethical leaders; or, a mix of ethical/unethical leaders. I have provided some links that list ethical leaders and unethical leaders under the Topic Materials. You may use information from those links, or find your own from news stories, case studies, etc. Keep in mind that just because one source lists a leader or company as ethical or unethical, that is not necessarily conclusive. Pick leaders for whom you can show documentation from multiples sources about their experiences. Research each of the leaders. Learn about the companies they have worked with; their ethical viewpoints (based on what they may have said/written, as well as what you can interpret from data); and the impacts of their ethical/unethical leadership decisions. Write a comparative analysis of the leaders that addresses the following:

· Discuss the ethical aspects of the leaders. If there are examples of their decisions during a crisis leadership experience, include details and your interpretation of the situation.

· Discuss whether or not the leaders reveal their own personal ethical values, or if they use a more generic approach to ethics. Evaluate the effectiveness of the approach they use.

· Apply at least 2 of the frameworks, models, or theories from the course materials. Discuss how the leaders reflect different components of the frameworks/models/theories, or disagree with different frameworks/models/theories.

· List your resources.

Formatting Logistics:

· This analysis should be written as a synthesized report, not merely as a question and answer format to the points above. https://www.kmtrust.com/10-unethical-famous-examples/

