Leadership, Culture, and Communication Paper (Reflection Paper)

The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with personal context for leadership,
culture and communication discussions that will ensue. It will allow the class to have reference
points and images as metaphors to their own leadership behaviours and characteristics.Choose
a leader from Fortune’s “The World’s 50 Greatest Leaders” of 2019. https://fortune.com/worldsgreatest-leaders/2019/Ideally, this leader will have made contributions to the core themes of this
interdisciplinary class (business, public administration, information / technology, resources /
environment).Review (and cite) additional material on these leaders to answer the following
questions:1.Briefly explain why you chose the leader you selected. 2.Which of the
characteristics/behaviors of good leaders discussed in class do they demonstrate, and how do
they demonstrate these? 3.What is their leadership style? Has their leadership style ever
changed?4.Identify a trend likely to impact this leader’s organization. What evidence do you see
that the leader is sufficiently forward-thinking to manage their organization through this trend?
Your submission should be 3-4 pages double spaced, 12-point font, and additionally include a
cover page and references using APA format. A well-developed paper will have an introduction,
body with subheadings, and conclusion. A table of contents is not necessary for a paper of this