Leadership Styles

Leadership Styles

There are several styles of leadership. Autocratic leaders control subordinates, emphasizing that the leaders are in control. Democratic leaders work with subordinates rather than controlling them. Laissez-faire leaders might be considered nonleaders. Such leaders engage in minimal influence with subordinates.

From the various leaders you have had in the past ten years (e.g., supervisors, managers, coaches, teachers, music directors, etc.), select one who was authoritarian, one who was democratic, and one who was laissez-faire. Begin your post by describing your three leaders in three or four sentences each.

Then, select any one of the following bullet point questions (addressing all items in the bullet point you select).

· What were the different task-oriented behaviors used by each leader? What were the different relationship-oriented behaviors used by each leader? How did others react to the leader? Which type of leader seemed to demonstrate the most effective task and relationship behaviors? Based on what evidence?

Finally, complete your post with a brief evaluation of your personal leadership style

· Which style of leadership do you use?

· How do you know that your style is effective?

· What are two specific activities you could use to improve your leadership effectiveness? (Northouse, 2009, pp. 50–51).

2 Pages with References