Leading Organisational Equality and Diversity – Assignmnent

Leading Organisational Equality and Diversity

Sample Assignment

You are the senior manager responsible for equality and diversity within your organisation. Your job description expects you to understand the importance of managing equality and diversity and to have the skills needed to lead the organisation’s approach to equality and diversity. This is a new post in the organisation and there is also a new CEO.  She requires you to produce a report on the importance of effectively managing equality and diversity and the dynamics of leading and managing equality and diversity

You may choose an organisation that you know well or where you are or have been employed.  You must discuss the choice with your tutor prior to commencement of the assignment.

Task 1

The first section of the report must include:

  • an analysis of the legal requirements relating to equality within your chosen organisation and in the organisation’s relationships with others
  • an evaluation of the implications of guidance and codes of practice relating to equality and diversity in the specific industry sector in which your organisation operates and for other sectors
  • an analysis of the implications of equality and diversity for your chosen organisation
  • an analysis of policies and procedures that need to be in place to promote equality and diversity
  • an analysis of the needs and expectations of stakeholders in relation to the organisation’s policy on equality and diversity.

Task 2

The second section of your report must explain the practical aspects of promoting equality and diversity within the organisation and to stakeholders and of addressing equality and diversity issues. You should:

  • assess how to address equality and diversity issues within your chosen organisation
  • determine the most appropriate ways to gain commitment to equality and diversity within your chosen organisation
  • evaluate methods of communicating commitment, policies and procedures to relevant organisational stakeholders
  • determine how to reach diverse stakeholder groups
  • analyse methods used to review and monitor equality and diversity.