Learning and Behavior

You share a room with your friend and every time you get back you find that your friend left the room unlocked. You have constant fights with your friend and you explain that not locking the room puts your belongings in danger. Your friend still forgets so you decided you are going to slap her next time she leaves the room unlocked, what kind of punishment is this?

Is there an alternative to stop her behavior without resorting to punishment?

An 18 months old baby persists at trying to put her finger in the socket. You get very scared every time she does this so you slap her hand to prevent her from doing that.

What kind of punishment is this?

Is there an alternative to stop her behavior without resorting to punishment?

A teenager is caught by his mother as he was smoking, she gets very angry and immediately she takes away his cigarettes and deprives him of his pocket money.

What kind of punishment is this?

Is there an alternative to stop his behavior without resorting to punishment

An employee persists at missing days in his work, when the employer finds out he threatens him that he will be sacked because he cannot keep on missing work days

What kind of punishment is this?

Is there an alternative to stop his behavior without resorting to punishment?

A child cannot stop sucking his thumb, so his mother decides to put a horrible tasting liquid on her thumb to make him stop sucking his thumb

What kind of punishment is this?

Is there an alternative to stop his behavior without resorting to punishment?

A young woman finds that the best way to release her stress is by pulling her hair, this has become a very persistent problem and she is starting to have some bald patches on her head. Her therapist recommends that she wears an elastic band on her hand, and every time she does that she has to sting herself with the elastic band.

What kind of punishment is this?

Is there an alternative to stop her behavior without resorting to punishment?

A child who has autism keeps on banging his head to the wall, so the therapist finds that if he slaps him he will reduce this behavior

What kind of punishment is this?

Is there an alternative to stop his behavior without resorting to punishment?


A pupil in a primary school persists in standing up during class time and refusing to sit down. The teacher punishes him by not allowing him to go and play during the break or sometimes sends him to stand outside the classroom

What kind of punishment is this?

Is there an alternative to stop his behavior without resorting to punishment?

Your dog persists at chewing your shoes and every time you spot him doing this you shout at him and call him “bad boy” or you might slap his bottom

What kind of punishment is this?

Is there an alternative to stop his behavior without resorting to punishment?