Machining Processes (Questions and Answers)

  1. Both high speed machining and conventional machining techniques use the same cutting tool technology . however, high speed machining processes run at much higher spindle speeds and feed rates . how is this possible without causing premature tool failure ?150 words
  2. Write informative notes on the following wear mechanisms:
  • Chemical wear. 75 words
  • Flank wear .75 words
  1. High speed cutting operations can offer significant cost and time saving if the technology is adopted and applied appropriately .
  2. You are tasked with justifying the method of manufacture for a component. The component can be made either by high speed machining or by additive layer manufacture using laser melting technologies. What process capabilities and component characteristics would you consider in order to decide on the manufacturing method ? 150 words
  3. A machining operation where a number of holes are being drilling into a Ni Cr Alloy casting is proving to be problematic . the holes being drilled are 5 mm diameter, 35mm deep . into a 4 mm diameter pre cast cored hole 32 mm deep . the machining operation is experiencing catastrophic tool breakages after approximately 30 holes have been drilled where a minimum of 300 holes would be expected . you are tasked with investigating why the tools are breaking and to explain how and what you would check in order to understand and solve the problem . 200 words