Managerial Decision-Making

Managerial Decision-Making

This week, we examined a managerial activity that spans all four functional areas: decision making. Our exploration included managerial ethical dilemmas and the specific decisions faced by managers in business today. Address the following:

  1. Select a manager. This can be someone you know or someone you have learned about through the news, reading, etc.
  2. Assess his or her strengths in decision making based on assigned reading concepts/theory. Research can also be supplemented from (but not solely based on) other information from academically credible resources.
  3. Assess that same manager’s decision-making weaknesses using the assigned reading concepts/theory. Research can also be supplemented from (but not solely based on) other information from academically credible resources.
  4. Assess the manager’s track record for making ethical decisions including at least one example of either an ethical or unethical decision made.
  5. Defend 2–3 recommendations for management performance improvement in decision making based on sound, academically credible concepts and theories from assigned reading and academically credible research.

Submission Details:

  • Present your analysis as a 2–3-page report in a Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style.
  • Support your responses with examples and research.  Cite any sources in APA format.
  • Name your document MGT2037_W2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc
  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.