Managing Equality and Diversity at Work

Managing Workplace Equality and Diversity

Instructions and information applying to coursework assessment 2 specifically: the critical essay
This is an individual assignment and carries 75% of the module mark. It covers the following
learning outcomes for the module:
1. Critically evaluate theoretical and conceptual perspectives of equality and diversity. 2. Apply
knowledge and understanding of equality and diversity issues in the workplace.
You should prepare an essay (3000 word maximum) that answers ONE of the following six
questions. Your essay should cover the main theoretical positions relevant to the issue, include a
wide range of correctly referenced academic research and policy evidence relevant to the
argument you are putting forward, and provide a reasoned, well-argued conclusion that sums up
your answer to the question as set. As befits work of a Level 6 standard, we are looking for well evidenced critique and not poorly substantiated assertion. Popular sources from Internet sites
and ‘opinion’ statements are not what is required and will be penalised. You are advised to write
using correct, precise terminology to maximise the ‘professional impact’ and persuasiveness of
your writing.
A detailed sheet of additional essay guidance for assignment 2 is available on the module
Moodle site, in the ‘Assessments’ section. If there are still any further questions after this, please
ask a tutor.
Bibliography is not included in the word count, but in-text citations are. There is no 10% margin
on length – please state your word count clearly on your assignment.
For electronic submission of this assignment, you may be asked to first join a particular group,
depending on the question you’ve answered. If this is the case, more information about this will
be given nearer the time, and also included on the assignment submission section of the module
Moodle site.

Choose any ONE title. Please ensure you include the full title of the question you are answering
at the head of your answer!
1. Ageism and lookism are inextricably linked, yet we face the paradox that age discrimination is
unlawful in both the UK and EU, whereas lookism is not. Critically discuss this statement,
drawing out the implications for employers.
2. Contrast the medical and social models of disability, and critically assess their consequent
implications for the design of jobs and employment of disabled people.
3. Richard Hyman raises the question of whether forced labour is ‘the new normal’. To what
extent is it reasonable to argue that forced labour is an established business model rather than
an aberration?
4. With reference to at least two equality strands covered by the 2010 Equality Act, critically
address the proposition that only positive discrimination [affirmative action] policies are capable
of remedying historic disadvantage in the workplace.
5. Critically compare the respective merits and potential of ‘business case’ and ‘social justice’
arguments to enabling the achievement of equality and diversity in organisations. Draw on at least two types of inequality discussed in the module as examples in your answer.
6. What are the implications of socio-economic disadvantage for managing equality and diversity
at work? Critically assess the efforts of policy-makers and employers to tackle class-based
inequality and disadvantage.
7. To what extent, and in what ways, can corporate policy and practice ensure the effective
inclusion of LGBT+ staff in organisational settings?