Maritime Management Strategy

Maritime Management Strategy 

Assessment Instructions 
From a business standpoint, critically assess the strategy of a Lloyd’s List Top 100
ship-owner of your choice. Some ideas to get you started:
 What has been the current business environment in the sector(s) the shipowner operates in? How did they adapt to recent changes?
 Based on your analysis of the business environment, what were the possible
strategies the ship-owner could have followed? Which one did they end up
following? Can you explain why? Would you say it was justified?
 Was the ship-owner’s strategy different from their major competitors? If so,
what were the differences? Again, can you explain why?
 How did the ship-owner implement their chosen strategy? Was there anything
out of the ordinary, a setback or an unexpected boon? Could the ship-owner
have done things differently – or even better?!
 e.t.c.

Don’t forget to cover all three levels of strategy: operational, competitive AND
corporate. Remembering these three levels of strategy should be useful when trying
to find examples where the ship-owner differentiated themselves from the
You can employ operational knowledge and theoretical concepts from other
disciplines, provided they are used to support – not displace – your main objective
(ie. critically assess the ship-owner’s strategy from a business standpoint).