Marketing Technology Analysis

Marketing Technology Analysis

Choose an internet marketing tool, technique or technology and discuss the value of its use for marketing. Write a report that either supports the integration of this technology into marketing activity OR which rejects the adoption of the technology. Justify your decision to include or exclude this technology on the basis of marketing theory and practice.

This essay style report should be no more than 1500-2000 words with a minimum 10 references, 5 of which must be academic journal references.

Partial list of candidate technologies;
1.Twitter and / or Jaiku and / or microblogging.
2.Blogs and / or blogging and / or WordPress.
3.Facebook and / or Myspace and / or social networking.
4.Technorati or Digg and / or meta filter and / or meme tracking websites. and/or social bookmarking.
6.Vuze ( and / or Bittorrent.
7.X-box Live and/or Sony Home and / or Rock Band’s Music Store.
8.iTunes and/or Valve’s Steam software.
9.Mobile Phones and/or M-Commerce.
10.Zazzle and/or Cafepress and/or or any other self-publishing platform.