Measurement of Employee Performance, Feedback, and Staff Training Programs

Measurement of Employee Performance, Feedback, and Staff Training Programs 

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Assignment Rubrics

Program Design and Evaluation

A description of all Assignments/Projects to be completed can be found under each of the units in the course. Rubrics for all assignments/projects can be found below.


Unit 4 Assignment Rubric

Grading Criteria PointsPossible PointsEarned
Clearly defines all-important aspects of Organizational Behavior Management.Describes a specific and relevant application of OBM in detail.

Contains no misunderstanding

Cleary describes the 5 step problem solving process as describe by Aubrey Daniel’s.Includes an accurate discussion of how problems are addressed in organizations. 0-10
Clearly and correctly explains the fundamental principles of behavior and provides examples of how each is applied organizations including a discussion of:·         Positive and Negative Reinforcement

·         Punishment

Conducts a PIC/NIC analysis for both problem performance and desired performance:·         Correctly identifies antecedents and consequences

·         Correctly describes results of analysis

·         Accurately discusses the roles of positive and negative reinforcement


Clearly identified 1 pinpoint for change and selects appropriate method for measurement:·         Includes operation definition of staff behavior

·         Include measurement type and how data will be collected

Provides accurate overview of problem solving processInclude research question that is appropriate to the context of evaluation

Discusses the benefits of a behavior analytic approach over a non scientific approach

Structure:·         The narrated Power Point presentation includes an APA Style title page, introduction with thesis statement, conclusion, and in-text citations and reference page.

·         Power Point slides include reference to the text book and any other academic sources used.

Mechanics:·         Power Point slides use Standard English including correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and complete sentences and paragraphs.

·         Power Point slides are free of typographical errors.

·         Power Point slides include a highly developed viewpoint and purpose.

·         Presentation demonstrates superior organization; communication is highly ordered, logical, and unified.

Total 0-130
An explanation of the points earned, as well as where the assignment could be strengthened will be included with your grade.


Unit 7 Assignment Rubric

Grading Criteria PointsPossible PointsEarned
Clearly explains the general purpose of each of the 4 sets of data presented and how each set of data can be used in the programCorrectly identifies the type of data for all 4 figures collected for all figures as either quantitative or qualitative.

Contains no misunderstanding.

Clearly discusses the role of employee engagement and social validity of the procedures related to the program measures and the success of the intervention as a whole. 0-10
Appropriately use the data presented for the program planning and evaluation process by including the following analysis:
For Figure 1: Discusses purpose of the data and what the data indicated about the effectiveness of the program 0-10
For Figure 2: Discuss the level, trend, and variability of the challenging behavior incidents reported during baseline (before) and treatment (after the program began).Correctly describes the effect of the program with consideration of the level and trend. 0-15
For Figure 3: Correctly indicates the total frequency of physical aggression for each observer. Correctly calculates IOA and identifies if it is in the acceptable range. Discusses the importance of IOA to determining programContains no misunderstandings or miscalculations 0-20
For Figure 4: Correctly calculates the percent correct results of the treatment integrity checklist before intervention, 1 day after intervention, and at the 3-month follow up.Relates the treatment integrity measure to the effectiveness of the program.

Accurately discusses the importance of treatment integrity.

Contains no misunderstandings or miscalculations

Structure:·         Paper includes an APA Style title page, introduction with thesis statement, conclusion, and in-text citations and reference page.

·         Paper is appropriate in length (body of the paper should be 3-4 pages, not including the title page or reference page).

·         Paper includes reference to the textbook and any other academic sources used.

Mechanics:·         Paper uses Standard English including correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and complete sentences and paragraphs.

·         Paper is free of typographical errors.

·         Paper includes a highly developed viewpoint and purpose.

·         Paper demonstrates superior organization; communication is highly ordered, logical and unified.

Total 0-135
An explanation of the points earned, as well as where the assignment could be strengthened will be included with your grade.




Unit 9 Assignment Rubric


Grading Criteria PointsPossible PointsEarned
Pinpoint & Measure:Identifies results to be achieved in objective and observable terms.

Includes operational definition for one current behavior and desired result.

Describes plan for measurement:  Measurement type, person responsible for collecting data, specific data sheets/graphing methods

Includes accurate discussion of reinforcement and punishment as it relates to staff behavior.

Select and Describe InterventionDescribes evidence based staff training procedure:

·         Describes specific method in detail including all key steps

·         Discusses who is responsible for implementation of staff training and how it will be implemented

·         Identify criteria for successful completion of staff training

·         Describe a plan for delivering feedback related to staff behavior

·         Provides one example of feedback delivered to staff who demonstrate desired behavior

·         Provides one example of feedback delivered to staff who demonstrate undesired behavior

Identify Program Question and Research DesignCreates a clear program question that is relevant to the selected intervention

Selects and clearly describes an appropriate behavior analytic research design

Discusses strengths and weakness of research design and provides support for choice of research design

Program EvaluationDiscusses how the data will be evaluated:

·         Includes plan for how often staff will be observed

·         Describes how results will be measured

·         Describes the factors that will considered when evaluating data and type of analysis to be used

·         Discusses how data will be used to determine effectiveness of the intervention

·         Describe steps that should be taken based on the determined effectiveness of the program

Structure:·         Paper includes an APA Style title page, introduction with thesis statement, conclusion, and in-text citations and reference page.

·         Paper is appropriate in length (body of the paper should be 6-8 pages, not including the title page or reference page).

·         Paper includes reference to the textbook and any other academic sources used.

Mechanics:·         Paper uses Standard English including correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and complete sentences and paragraphs.

·         Paper is free of typographical errors.

·         Paper includes a highly developed viewpoint and purpose.

·         Paper demonstrates superior organization; communication is highly ordered, logical and unified.

Total 0-135
An explanation of the points earned, as well as where the assignment could be strengthened will be included with your grade.