Models and Theories to Promote Health Behavior and Proposed Project Plan: Paper Guidelines and Grading Rubric

Models and Theories to Promote Health Behavior and Proposed Project Plan
Paper Guidelines and Grading Rubric
Readings: See Readings and video recommendations

Identify a model or a theory that you would like to use to promote health behavior. You can select
an individual model or theory (chapter 2) to promote healthy behavior or a community models
(chapter 3) to promote health.
After you have identified a model or theory, develop a health promotion-prevention plan related
to the population and health entity identified in assignment #1. Chapter 4 outlines how to assess
health and health behaviors. Chapter 5 describes how to develop a health promotion-prevention
Review the chapters that may apply to your proposed plan: Chapter 6 (physical activity and
health promotion); Chapter 7 (nutrition and health promotion); Chapter 8 (stress management
and health promotion); or Chapter 9 (social support and health).
When you write your paper, follow the grading guidelines. Each student is to submit a paper (no
group work). The paper should be carefully written in a formal style, adhere to the most recent
APA guidelines, use primary sources, and provide an integration of ideas.
The length of this assignment should be no more than 5 pages excluding the title page and

Reference list.

All submissions should be submitted to the Assignment section in PDF format.
Each assignment must be submitted to automatically once you have downloaded it
into the assignment section. You will be able to see your score.
A copy of the grading rubric is provided for you below. It is highly recommended that you organize your paper based on the grading rubric criteria detailed below; the use of headings based on the grading rubric criteria is also strongly recommended.
Grading Rubric
Criteria Points
1. Introduction paragraph. There must be a thesis statement that tells reader purpose
of paper and what will be discussed. 2/2
2. Identify and describe a model or theory that you would like to use to promote health
• You can select an individual model or theory (chapter 2) to promote healthy behavior or a
community model or theory (chapter 3) to promote health.
• You are also welcome to use a model or theory from another source.
• Describe the model, why you selected the model, and how the model or theory would be
beneficial to use to with your identified population.
3. Develop a health promotion-prevention intervention plan related to the population and health
entity identified in assignment #1. Chapter 4 and 5 will help you with developing your plan. You
are welcome to read any or all of chapters 6-9, which will provide ideas on specific interventions.
These chapters will help you with examples and some chapters may be related to your areas of
interest. For example: chapter 6 (physical activity and health promotion); chapter 7 (nutrition and
health promotion); chapter 8 (stress management and health promotion); chapter 9 (social plan to allow time for feedback and your originality report. A second report submitted to Turnitin
can take up to 24 hours for a new originality report. Please note: Up to 20% of points will be
deducted from grade for lack of scholarship.
Scholarship Expectations
You are clinical nurse scholars in the making. You are the APNs/DNPs and members of the
highly literate profession of advanced practice nursing who will chart the future of health care.
Good writing ability is as much a required skill for nurses in advanced practice as performing
clinical functions. Therefore, precision and scholarship is expected in all assignments.
Content must be organized and with logical progression of ideas; effort and attention to detail
is evident; all aspects of the discussion is communicated effectively; correct grammar, spelling,
and word choice; and liberal number of references. References must be current, appropriately
paraphrased, and acknowledged; correct use of APA; correct title page used for assignment