Facts: Engineer A is hired by Developer X to perform design and construction-phase services for a subdivision for Developer X. Per the agreement with Developer X, Engineer A is paid 30% of his fee by Developer X. Engineer A submits the design drawings and plans to the county authorities and permits are issued for the benefit of Developer X. Developer X cannot get financing for the project, and Developer X tells Engineer A that Engineer A should not disclose the contents of the drawings and plans to any unauthorized third party. Developer Y, a client of Engineer A and also a business competitor of Developer X, is interested in the subdivision project. Developer Y has secured financing for the project and approaches Engineer A, requesting that he perform the design on the project and requests that Engineer A provide the design documents for Developer Y’s review. Since Engineer A was not paid his entire fee for his completed project design by Developer X, Engineer A agrees to provide the design drawings and plans to Developer Y and agrees to charge Developer Y only for the changes to the original subdivision design drawings and plans.


1. Was it ethical for Engineer A to provide a copy of the design drawings and plans to Developer Y?

2. Was it ethical for Engineer A to charge Developer Y for the changes to the original subdivision design drawings and plans?