Nurse Interview Assignment

Nurse Interview Assignment

One of the best ways to learn about a subject is to discuss it with those who work in the industry. You can learn first-hand the real-world pros and cons of EHR security issues.

For this assignment, you will conduct an interview and write a paper based on the information you get in the interview. You can have a discussion with anyone you choose that works as a manager with electronic medical records and health informatic systems.

Possible interviewees:

  • The head of information technology of your local hospital (or anywhere in the U.S.)
  • Someone from the sales force with one of the well-known EHR companies
  • The practice director of a local health care practice that uses a large EHR system
  • Phone conference with someone from the Office of National Coordinator
  • Anyone else you can think of that would have considerable knowledge about EHRs

Paper Topic:

  • What are the safety and security issues they see surrounding the use of electronic health systems technology?


You are to create the questions for the interview. They may revolve around password protections, internal information thefts, outside hacking, HIPAA concerns, ransomware, employee use of personal emails, PHI concerns, or any other avenues you care to explore.


Go to the interview with questions already formulated.  Do not perform an interview unprepared and waste their time.  The interview may be conducted in-person or by phone.  It may be someone local, or very distant.

Write a 1.5-2.0 page paper analyzing the issues surrounding you discovered that are security concerns in the interview. It should NOT be a transcript of the interview.  Provide analysis and additional outside research to support what you found in the interview. You will be graded on your strength of choice of interviewee, the depth of your questioning, outside research, and the structure of your write up.

Save your file as a Word document (.doc or .docx)
Include the term Interview and your Last Name when saving your file. Example: Interview_Smith.docx
 Upload your completed document using the Browse button, and then click the Submit button.