Nursing Role Delineation

The role delineation section allows the reader to identify how you will actualize each competency outlined by the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty (NONPF) and the AACN. It is as unique as each student. You may write a narrative and include supporting documents to
highlight your activities. Ultimately it shows the progression towards the program goals.
Essential Components of Role Delineation
Examples /Supporting Evidence
Role Delineation based on NP Competencies

Narrative format plus evidence is required at least 2 paragraph per point below.
1. Management of Patient Health/Illness Status
Reflections on class lectures, discussions, clinical experiences, readings, assignments
2. NP-Pt Relationship
Reflections on class lectures, discussions, clinical experiences readings, assignments
3. Teaching-Coaching Function
Sample of outline of teaching rounds, poster, in-service etc
4. Professional Role
May be evident in C-V, ,Proof of attendance at BON meeting
5. Negotiating HC Delivery Systems
Attendance at Lambda Chi Meeting, Pri-Med, CMS seminar
6. Monitoring/ Ensuring Quality of HC
Sample of peer reviews, quality improvement activities, Magnet offerings
7. Cultural Competence
Article citation, Web References