Operations research

Topic: Operations research


Paper details:

This Assignment assesses the following module Learning Outcomes: 1. Select and apply quantitative modelling concepts for problem solving and decision making. 2. Use classical decision theory as aid to decision making. 3. Acquire a critical awareness of the logical process of modelling complex decision problems. 4. Apply techniques and practice to model real-world problems. 5. Derive solution(s) using a suitable software package when required. 6. Critically analyse and report results. Assignment Brief: This individual assignment requires that you answer Questions 1, 2, and 3 below. 1. Smart-E-Mechs in Stevenage UK manufactures components for the energy industry. Although it is a challenging period worldwide, management of Smart-E-Mechs is considering adding more floor space due to potential increase in future demand and will either add no floor space, a moderate area of floor space, or a large area of floor space. Demand will either stay fixed, increase slightly, or increase greatly. Management is concerned about issues that could lead to poor decision, one of which is confirmatory bias. Clearly explain what is meant by confirmatory bias including how confirmatory bias can lead to poor decisions. In addition to confirmatory bias, briefly discuss two more reasons why people can make not so good decisions. Use the case of Smart-E-Mechs above as illustrative example. 25 marks. 2. Company Z makes three products in-house, and it has three machines available as resources as given in the following linear programming problem: Maximise contributions = 8????1 + 4????2 + 10????3 Subject to: 1????1 + 7????2 + 4????3 2????1 + 1????2 + 7????3 8????1 + 4????2 + 1????3 ≤ 100 (hours on machine 1) ≤ 110 (hours on machine 2) ≤ 100 (hours on machine 3) a) What does the term ‘linear’ in linear programming mean? Use the case of Company Z’s linear programming problem above to illustrate your answer. 15 marks. b) To solve Company Z’s linear programming problem above, the operations manager of the company intends to force a solution using graphical methods and assumes ????2 = 115 without considerations for the business. The manager then suggests that the solution obtained using a graphical method is ????1 = −25, ????2 = 115, ????3 = 18. Discuss the manager’s approach and its limitations. You are not required to solve the problem graphically or otherwise. 15 marks. 3. Jade Lade is the Operations Director of Smart-Pens-Extra Ltd based in Hatfield UK. The company manufactures smart pens and, due to expansion, the company is considering deploying innovative automated guided vehicles (AGVs) in their manufacturing system. Jade 7ENT1070-AAA-MAIN-B-2019-20-v1 Page 2 of 4 School of Engineering and Computer Science is interested in studying the effect of the AGVs on throughput performance using discrete event simulation. Develop a plan for the Smart-Pens-Extra’s proposed simulation study. Specifically, identify the activities, start time and end time of each activity, and key deadlines of the simulation study. A Gantt chart is not required. Discuss the work plan. 25 marks. Presentation Your technical report must be written in an appropriate format and must contain no more than 1400±10% words including any diagrams, calculations, figures and/or tables where appropriate. Reports shorter than the word count will not lose marks but will lead to the omission of material which can gain them. Any words over the suggested word count will not be marked. Do not use any mechanism, such as embedded jpeg images containing significant text, to circumvent the word count. You are expected to provide secondary sources to underpin your work. These must be cited and referenced according to the Harvard Referencing System. Include the word count in the header of your report. Ensure that your technical report is well-structured and choose appropriate number and titles for the sections of the report please. There is no need to number the references section. Your technical report must follow the content and guidance above and must include the specific instructions outlined below. 1. Word-process the report on A4 paper size, using 1.15 line spacing (Handwritten report scanned to PDF is acceptable). 2. Font type must be Arial, font size 11. 3. Ensure that all diagrams (figures) / tables are labelled and numbered. 4. Title Page is NOT required. 5. Table of Contents page is NOT required. 6. Number all pages. 7. Grammar, spelling and style, as well as clarity, contribute towards the assessment of the report; Use British Spelling i.e. ‘English (UK) Language’. 8. Justify paragraphs – Align text to both left and right margins, using your word processor to add extra space between words as necessary, particularly pertinent to word processed reports. 9. Ensure that you focus on the requirements of the assignment brief. Be clear about the marking scheme stated in the ‘Marks out of 100% awarded for’ section below. Additional Note on Referencing Mark is allocated for referencing in this assignment, and the mark is influenced by the thoroughness and integrity of the work as evidenced by your referencing. Marks are awarded not only for correct referencing practice, but also the extent to which the arguments have been supported by cited sources. Related work must be cited and referenced according to the Harvard Referencing System. Submission Requirements: Your technical report must be submitted as a Microsoft Word or PDF file via the assignment platform on the Canvas module site. Handwritten reports shown be scanned to PDF file prior to submission. Submit via the appropriate assignment page on the module site. 7ENT1070-AAA-MAIN-B-2019-20-v1 Page 3 of 4