Patient-centred Care from a Nursing Perspective

Exploring person-centered care from a nursing perspective.

How effective communication, professional, legal, and ethical issue influence person-centered care.

Patient centred care from a nursing perspective.

Please ensure that upon submission you follow the criteria for submission of an academic piece of work ensuring the font and the spacing adheres to University guidelines which can be found within the module guide. Students will be expected to submit their assignment electronically within the WOLF domain. Also that you submit your work to include a front cover sheet which must include the student number, support tutor, module title, module code. This summative assessment should be 2000 words and will endeavour to embrace the following learning outcomes:

LO 1: Demonstrate the importance of effective communication skills when working with the client, their family and colleagues.

LO 2: Identify the professional, legal and ethical issues which underpin the practice of nursing

LO 3: Describe the knowledge necessary to provide person and family centred care.

For this summative submission you are expected to describe how you have provided person-centred care for a service user and/or carer or significant other. Identify and discuss the issues (professional, legal or ethical) which influenced and informed the care that was delivered to your chosen client (see the proforma for more structured guidance). Some issues will overlap. You must incorporate the communication skills that were implemented during this episode of care.

The following guidelines are only here to provide you (the student) with some direction when compiling your assignment as follows:

  • Introduction to set the scene and to introduce your chosen client or carer or significant other. Give a very brief introduction as to the care intervention that was implemented. You must be mindful of protecting your patients identity and anonymity must prevail
  • The main body of the assignment will include how you and the team you worked within considered the legal, professional or ethical issues that influenced the delivery of care.
  • Person centred care must be included within your work and you must demonstrate an understanding of what this is.
  • Legal issues for example may include areas such as Human rights Act…or Mental Capacity Act …or Deprivation of Liberty.
  • Professional issues that affect delivery of care for a nurse may include Nursing and Midwifery Code of Conduct.. Or policies and procedures.. Or professional conduct.. or professional guidelines from professional bodies (RCN)
  • Ethical issues may include consent, or data protection or confidentiality. Anti-discriminatory practice.
  • Communication strategies will need to be discussed when defining the episode of care and the significance of developing a therapeutic relationship will need to be discussed.
  • The conclusion will discuss the outcome of the care that was implemented.
  • Please be mindful that at this level four study the more analytical the student is then the higher the grade.
  • All academic work should be substantiated by reliable and valid references.
  • Please refer to the recommended reading list for suitable references.

Recommended web sites that the student may find useful could be:

  • Nursing and Midwifery Council
  • Department of Health
  • Royal College of Nursing
  • The NHS Constitution
  • National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE)

This module will offer a Support Tutor system for tutorial support but the assignments will be marked anonymously by a member of the module team. The Support Tutor list will be available to the students. This means that students will be supported by a member of the team who will offer tutorial support as per University guidelines prior to their summative submission. The assignments will then be allocated by the modular team and marked anonymously.