Performance Characteristics / Parameters of a Vortex Refrigeration Unit

Performance Characteristics / Parameters of a Vortex Refrigeration Unit 

Students, you should delete this section before submitting your work.
This Assignment assesses the following module Learning Outcomes (Take these from the module DMD):
LO3: determine the performance parameters of various thermal power producing systems;
LO4: analyse the performance of a variety of conventional and advanced thermal power producing systems.

Assignment Brief:
This assignment aims at assessing the individual student’s ability to assess/calculate the performance characteristics/parameters of a vortex refrigeration unit operating on certain input pressure. Each individual student needs to:
(i) To investigate the topic/principle of Vortex refrigeration.
(ii) To undertake calculations on energy and mass conservation principles in a vortex refrigerator.
(iii) To assess the effectiveness of a vortex refrigerator and vortex refrigeration process.

The experiment hand-out is uploaded onto the unit laboratory experiment of the module website. All students must obtain and carefully study the experimental hand-out prior to the date of the experiment. The experimental facility is located in the thermodynamic laboratory, 1st floor of the Automotive Centre. Any student who does not undertake the laboratory experiment and submit a lab report will be awarded zero mark.
Submission Requirements:
After undertaking the experiment in the lab. Each student needs to submit a full laboratory report comprising introduction, theoretical overview, data, sample of calculation, results, discussion and conclusion through Canvas.

This assignment is worth 20 % of the overall assessment for this module.
Marks awarded for: (one report for each individual student)
(i) Report presentation including the review 30%
(ii) Good Graphical result presentation 20%
(iii) Final discussion 30%
(iv) Conclusion 20%

A note to the Students:
1. For undergraduate modules, a score above 40% represent a pass performance at honours level.
2. For postgraduate modules, a score of 50% or above represents a pass mark.
3. Modules may have several components of assessment and may require a pass in all elements. For further details, please consult the relevant Module Guide or ask the Module Leader.
Typical (hours) required by the student(s) to complete the assignment: 6 hours

Investigation into the characteristics of vortex tube refrigeration system

1) To investigate the topic/principle and various theories of Vortex tube refrigeration technique.
2) To undertake experiment and calculations on energy and mass conservation principles in a vortex refrigerator.
3) To assess the effectiveness of a vortex refrigerator and vortex refrigeration process.

Each student needs to submit a full laboratory report comprising introduction, theoretical overview, data, sample of calculation, results, discussion and conclusion.