Performance Management

You are Big Boss, a new supervisor in a large organization. You supervise two units–Money Unit
(MU) and Processing Unit (PU). Each unit is managed by a Director, who reports to you. Both
Directors have been with the organization for along time and are highly skilled in the technical
requirements of their jobs.
MU must provide data and information in a specific sequence to PU in order for PU to update
accounts and complete the customer service or request. The units are deadline driven and it is
critical that information be timely exchanged in order to serve the customer; failure to do so
results in customer complaints and inefficiency. Units are under tremendous pressure to manage
a large work volume and efficient staff interactions are critical. The organizational goals are to
process customer requests within 2 days or less.
You are contacted by a staff employee from MU. She expresses concerns about the job
performance of a colleague in MU, Josie, stating that Josie refers to peers in MU and PU as “bitch” and “stupid”, sometimes in front of customers. Josie is not timely in relaying needed
information, causing extra work for peers in MU and PU, and customers have complained about
the delay in service. The staff employee doubts MU Director’s ability to deal with the situation
because it has been going on for a long time. Despite previous, similar complaints, nothing
changes and the staff employee asserts that Josie is disruptive to business.
1) are goals of the individual employees, MU and PU aligned with the organization? 1a) describe
the evidence that supports your response to #1. 1b) how do goals become misaligned? State the
overarching reason for goal misalignment and cite from Human Resource Management Core
Concepts book. 1c) what actions realign goals? Cite from HRM Core Concepts
2) assuming it is confirmed that the colleague is name calling in the workplace what should Big
Boss do to address this situation?
3) describe what actions you recommend with regard to the MU Director, if any.