Personal Philosophy Paper of Early Childhood Teaching and Practices

Personal Philosophy Paper of Early Childhood Teaching and Practices

Course Key Assessment- Personal Philosophy Paper of Early Childhood Teaching and Practices

Please read and carefully follow the instructions for this course Key Assessment assignment.


For this final paper, complete each of the following questions in detail. Copy and paste the following questions into a document and type your detailed answers after each question. Each answer should be at least 2-3 paragraphs in length and stated as succinctly as possible.

As an educator, your philosophy of teaching is based on your own knowledge, beliefs, practices, and clear understanding of how you will ensure the best quality education for the children, families, and program you serve. While your philosophy will certainly evolve overtime, it will serve to guide you throughout your career.

You will find this project/paper much easier if you use this form to take notes as you move through the textbook and the course throughout the semester.

You should retain this paper by saving it on your computer or a dedicated flash drive as one of the Key Assessments you will use in the ECE 248 – Early Childhood Assessment Seminar to build your program level assessment portfolio for your AAS in ECE degree here at the College of Lake County.

100 possible points

 Copy and paste each of the following questions into a document. Then, type your complete and detailed answers below each question.

  1. My essential beliefs about children include:
    (Focus on how they learn, grow, and develop.)
  2. I believe a sound early childhood education is essential to young children’s lifelong development and learning because:
    (Focus on the importance of a developmentally appropriate early childhood education/care program for every child.)
  3. I believe early childhood teachers should be:
    (Focus on qualifications, dispositions for teaching, etc.)
  4. I believe my primary roles as a teacher to support children’s development and learning should be:
    (Focus on intentional teaching, needs of individual children as well as the group.)
  5. Consistent, positive adult-child interaction and focus on the development of a collaborative, classroom community is important to the social, emotional, physical, cultural/lingual and intellectual climate of the classroom because:
    (Focus on adult-child interaction, child guidance strategies, and learning climate/culture.)
  6. The learning environment I facilitate for the children to provide the optimum experience will include:
    (Focus on the vital importance of a play-based curriculum, classroom centers, aspects of climate/culture, independence, problem-solving and experimentation, and building community.)
  7. Accordingly, my planning and daily care must consider and include:
    (Focus on routines.)
  8. I will utilize a curriculum structure that will reflect and include:
    (Focus on developmentally appropriate practices, research-based curriculum, children’s interests, strengths, challenges, etc.)
  9. The diverse range of needs, talents, cultures and interests of my children will be woven into my classroom environment and curriculum by:
  10. I will support the children’s progress throughout their learning journey through continual observation, planning, documentation, evaluation and reflection that will include:
    (Focus on assessment, evaluation, and how this will be reflected within your curriculum.)
  11. I believe the inclusion of and collaboration with families in my classroom is essential and will be reflected in my classroom in these ways because:
  12. I will continue to demonstrate professionalism in my work and continue to grow in my skills and knowledge by

Include list of resources utilized by listing the titles, author(s), publisher, and date of publication and/or the UR addresses of all websites. You must have a minimum of four resources listed.


Rubric for Personal Teaching Philosophy Paper

Meets Expectations


Nearly Meets Expectations


Does Not Meet Expectations


Does Not Meet Expectations


Paper is well written, paragraphs are constructed correctly, transitions flow from one paragraph to the next, and correct sentence structure is used. College level vocabulary is used. Paper is fairly well written, paragraphs contain a few structural errors, some transitions are present, and correct sentence structure is used. Mostly college level vocabulary is used. Paper has some structural errors that affect communication of ideas. Some ideas are lost due to in coherency of writing. There is some use of college level vocabulary. Paper has numerous structural errors that affect communication of ideas.  Many ideas are lost due to in coherency of writing. There is limited use of college level vocabulary.
Conventions are excellent: spelling, grammar, and use of punctuation. There are very few errors. There are a few errors with conventions: spelling, grammar, and use of punctuation. There are many errors with conventions: spelling, grammar, and use of punctuation. There are numerous errors with conventions. It interferes with the ability to understand the ideas in the paper.
All required elements are represented and fully developed. Ideas have depth and substance. Discussion indicates thoughtful consideration of numerous ideas learned during the course. Supporting evidence or illustrations are used to explain ideas. All required elements are represented and mostly developed. Ideas mostly have depth and substance.  Supporting evidence is provided for ideas. Some required elements are missing. Ideas have some depth and substance. There are some supporting ideas are used to explain information. There are many required elements missing.

Ideas lack depth and substance. Very few supporting ideas are used to explain information.



All statements that are paraphrased or quoted are cited correctly. Most statements that are paraphrased or quoted are cited correctly. Some statements that are paraphrased or quoted are not cited. Many statements that are paraphrased or quoted are not cited.