Personality portfolio


Write a polished 900-1000-word paper that provides an in-depth personality analysis of the figure Rafael Nadal using either Erikson’s Developmental theory OR McAdam’s Narrative Identity theory. You will need to review the biography/autobiography and any other information you can gather about the famous/historical figure Rafael Nadal to be able to answer the following questions in your paper: How did the person resolve/progress through the various milestones in Erikson’s or McAdams’ theory? Make sure to thoroughly explain the variables in the theory as you discuss it. If the figure is alive, where do you believe they fit now in the theory now? Why? You may provide other information about the figure’s personality, but at least 50% of the paper should be dedicated to discussing the figure from Erikson’s or McAdam’s perspective. Other Tips for the Biography Paper: Include references to every source that you use to help you with the post and do NOT plagiarize or quote at all in your paper – all writing should be your own original voice. Evidence of plagiarism will result in your earning a 0.