Personality Theories. Adler, Freud, Carl Jung, Karen Horney, Maslow, Bandura, Rotter

Personality Theories. Adler theory, Freud theory, Carl Jung theory , Karen Horney theory, Maslow theory, Bandura theory , Rotter theory 

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  1. Define personality and explain how it is different than just a mood.
  2. List and describe each of the traits from the Five Factor Model of Personality? Where do you rate on each of the five traits?
  3. What are some strengths and weakness of the Five Factor Model of Personality?
  4. Describe each of the components (Id, Ego, and Superego) of Freud’s personality theory and the principles that apply to each. How do they work together to shape personality?
  5. Define and provide an example for each of the following defense mechanisms:
    • Repression
    • Sublimation
    • Denial
    • Rationalization
    • Intellectualization
    • Projection
    • Reaction Formation
    • Regression
    • Displacement
  6. Chapter 12 outlines Freud’s Psychosexual Theory of Development including discussing oral conflicts, anal conflicts, and the Oedipus/Elektra Complexes. Please describe each of the conflicts and discuss how each can affect our personality?
  7. Based on Adler’s Theory, what was the driving force of personality?
  8. Describe Jung’s personality theory including the two forms of unconscious, and explain how they both affect our personality based on the theory.
  9. How did Karen Horney suggest personality is shaped?
  10. Based on the Humanistic perspective, what is the basis of personality and how is it different from some of the early personality theories?
  11. Rogers is widely considered the most influential therapists of all times. Please describe his theory and explain what may cause unhealthy patterns to emerge, and what therapists must do to help resolve these challenges.
  12. Maslow is the most well known psychologist as it relates to motivation theory, but his theory is also important to understanding our personality. What is at the heart of Maslow’s Theory of Personality?
  13. Like the Humanists, Bandura also had a belief that people are innately good. Please explain his concept of self efficacy and how it relates to our personality development.  How is it similar to self actualization, or self concept from the Humanistic perspective?
  14. Explain Bandura’s concept of Reciprocal Determinism.
  15. How might internal and external locus of control relate to personality development? Which is better to have and why?
  16. Explain the term cognitive expectancies and how it relates to Rotter’s theory of personality.