Population control and the social-economic structure of ancient Rome

Population control and the social-economic structure of ancient Rome

Proposal & Annotated Bibliography (electronic submission of MS word file) See Syllabus for due
Essay (electronic submission of MS word file) See Syllabus for due date
Value: 1. Proposal and Annotated Bibliography 15%; 2. Essay 25%
Research Essay Length: 10-12 typed pages, double-spaced. Font: use 11 pt Arial. (ca 2500 –
3000 words). See details on proposal below.
Grades deducted for late essays. Late term essays will be docked 5% first day and 5% each day
thereafter up to 20%.
It is in your interest to manage your time so that you do not suffer grade deductions for late
essays. Extensions are granted only in truly dire circumstances when appropriate documentation
is provided.
You will be writing this essay in several steps. Use Rampolla (9th ed.) Chapter 5 “Writing a
Research Paper,” which lays out the process step by step. What follows here is a brief précis of