Positive Psychology Paper


Interpretative Phenomenal Analysis Paper

The IPA approach is the eudaimonic approach to positive psychology, focusing on well-being as a function of fulfilling one’s potential, one’s “true nature,” and finding one’s “true self.”

Thus, this paper will require you to put positive psychology into action by focusing on cultivating personal growth. You are asked to practice relating yourself and the world around you to your personal happiness by taking an interpretative phenomenological approach using yourself as a participant, engaging your personal thoughts and experiences related to your Jungian Type Test results.  The paper must include these distinct sections:  For Part 1,  (a): Personal Strengths, b) Additional Strengths, and (c) Acceptance and Flow.  For Part II, Self- Recognition: sections (a) Self-Understanding and (b) Positive Incorporation.

Part I

Address the professor’s description of your four-letter type dynamics from our week 1 discussion and imagine how you might use your understanding of yourself in terms of your dominant, auxiliary, tertiary, and inferior functions to increase your personal happiness in the future.

  1. a) Describe how focusing on, developing, and expanding your strongest of those traits could lead to more positive self-esteem, feeling more in control, having a better social life, or having a better sense of meaning and purpose to life?
  2. b) Describe how your less conscious third and fourth functions could also be addressed and used to help you experience more fulfillment as well.
  3. c) Might a greater acceptance and engagement of any one of these functions of yours help you balance the challenge of certain activities and increase your skill level, resulting in your experience of flow more often?

Part II

Integrity demands that positive psychology also should not deny, but actually encourage you to understand and accept your 5th through 8th more hidden functions described by John Beebe. As you know from reading that article therapeutic work with clients indicates that serious suppression of those parts of a person can lead to opposition to certain other people, to being strange and not nice at times, deception, and even wildness and cruelty.

  1. a) Describe how recognizing one of those hidden traits in yourself may provide you with a more understanding and positive experience of others. Please choose a particular one of those functions that is normally not an especially conscious part of your four-letter personality type. That is, choose one of your personal 5 through 8 functions of your personality type. Describe how it may cause you to react to certain people who are a different type from you. Also describe how enabling yourself to understand that could lead to your developing a better and less stressful personal relationship with them.
  2. b) Finally, choose one of your 5 through 8 functions and imagine how you might try to accept and incorporate it into your conscious life in a positive way that would allow you to be even more effective and would increase your self-esteem as well.


This post is excellent. Thank you.

Below is my description of your personality type. Please be sure to respond to it for full credit:

As an ESFJ Extravert (22%) Sensing (6%) Feeling (3%) Judging (22%)

your dominant function is extroverted feeling, your auxiliary is introverted sensing, your tertiary is extroverted intuition, and your shadow is introverted thinking.

So, you present as an nF (intuitive/Feeling person), a friendly, nice, interesting person. That is also your most preferred persona. When you hear of or experience something you can always tell whether it is good or bad (your dominant Feeling function). This allows you to make quick decisions regarding choices of action. Having a lot of patience is not your strong point. ESFJs are good managers. You like to feel in control of things, which is the goal of the kinds of questions you will tend to ask. You will tend to function in a dutiful way and gain self-confidence by being respectable.

Your introverted sensing auxiliary function means that you need solitude at times, reflect on and are aware of, your internal experiences, and pay attention to facts and details. You will tend to be concrete, strong, and conservative. You may be preoccupied with morality and be drawn toward material things.

Since you extraverted intuition as a third function you tend to be somewhat adaptable and flexible. You aspire to be an executive, and a good executive possesses some flexibility.

Your introverted thinking, inferior function, means that you have only a modest need for logical analysis, but seriously stressed you can really be critical, although at those times your arguments may be somewhat illogical. If that ever happens to you seek out a trusted friend and find support through him/her.

The even deeper functions of an ESFJ, as with all types, are largely unconscious. They are the 5th through the 8th (Fi, Se,Ni, and Te). An understanding of them is evolving. In-depth therapy indicates that for all types should a person be totally without awareness/acceptance they may trigger being oppositional, strange & not nice, deceptive, even wild & cruel. On the other hand Jungian psychoanalysts have found that if recognized and accepted they may be convertible to highly positive and effective experiences and behaviors.

As an SJ you will tend to pair up with a helpmate. As a parent you will tend to be a socializer. You want kids to behave and do what is right. You will lead as a stabilizer.

Does all this seem to fit? 

Apart from a response to this week’s discussion, your 2d assignment for our Week 1 discussion is to respond to this description of your four letter Jungian type by Dr. Tucker, and to describe briefly how his comments about the dynamics of your personal four functions do, or do not, fit you. 


 Also, below is some general information for you about all 16 type patterns.

For your general Information:


Life Patterns theory looks at how you use all four of Jung’s “functions” and how they relate to each other within your psyche. Your Life Pattern considers the ways you prefer to extravert and introvert. It looks at how you are likely to change over time, how the stresses of life interact with your personality – both favorably and otherwise, and which steps (the path that’s right for you) are most natural for your Life Pattern if you are to move toward wholeness.

Because of the comprehensive approach to understanding personality that Life Patterns theory makes possible, we are also able to substantially increase our understanding of how and why people relate to each other as they do, and to shed much light on how your Life Pattern affects career choices, spiritual beliefs and practice, sexual attitudes and behavior, etc.”


Table 1. Duniho Type Fractions for all 16 Life Patterns


ISTJ                    ISFJ                 INFJ                INTJ

Inspector            Protector         Counselor        Mastermind

e: n T  J              e: n  F J           e: s F J             e: s T J

I: S p                I: S  p           I : N t p           I: N f p


ISTP                   ISFP                INFP               INTP

Operator             Composer        Healer              Architect

e: S f P               e: S t P            e: N t P            e: N f P

In T j                In F j              Is F j               Is T j


ESTP                  ESFP               ENFP              ENTP

Promoter             Performer        Champion        Inventor

E: S f P              E: S t P           E: N t P          E: N f P

i:  n T j              i:  n F j            i: s F j             i:  s T j


ESTJ                   ESFJ                ENFJ               ENTJ

Supervisor          Provider          Teacher            Field Marshall

E: n T J             E: n F J          E: s F J           E: s T J

i:   S f  p          i:   S  t p        i:   N t p          i:   N f p



Based in part on Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Chart, combined with Keirsey’s Temperament Categories and Type ** I prefer not to call it introversion the “inferior,” because it is so much more than that.

Table 1 above is based in part on “Jungian Personality Types”, a 16-page encyclopedia article written by Dr. Irving Tucker and myself for The Encyclopedia of Human Behavior (4 vols.).

By studying this visual shorthand of the Life Patterns fractions, we can see that the tertiary function is always used in the same attitude as the dominant. This gives it an importance that most books and workshops on psychological type miss.

Notice, too, that with introverts what you see is not what you get. For example, even though I—Ps show their adaptive side to the world, at their core they are neither flexible, nor adaptive. In other words, I—Ps are closet- case Js.! The same is true for I—Js. The better you get to know I – Js the more likely you are to notice that they have at their core an almost infinite flexibility and ability to adapt.