Predictors of a Health-promoting Life-style Among Well Adult Clients in a Nursing Practice

Predictors of a Health-promoting Life-style Among Well Adult Clients in a Nursing Practice 

Application of Nursing Theory to Practice Paper (35%): Maximum of 5 pages excluding title page
and references. Do not include an abstract with this paper. Upload the paper including the title
page and reference page(s) into the Assignment Link located in Unit 14 in Course Materials.
Review the directions regarding Safe Assign on Blackboard, the minimum number of references
for this paper is 6.
Reflect on your practice and select a problem that you are interested in. Select a nursing middle
range theory from the following list that you could apply to the problem.
• Health Promotion Model (Pender)
• Uncertainty in Illness Theory (Mishel)

• Theory of Comfort (Kolcaba)
• Theory of Chronic Sorrow (Eakes, Burke, & Hainsworth)
• Transitions Theory (Meleis) or situation specific Transitions Theory
• Caregiver Stress (Tsai)
If the theory is situation specific, the problem you choose must be congruent with it. If you want
to choose a nursing middle range theory that is not on the list, you must receive permission from
the professor. Develop a paper that includes the following:
• Introduction (20 points) – Briefly introduce the problem that you have identified in a few
sentences. If appropriate add statistics (for example if the problem you identified is diabetes in
teenagers, you might want to cite the prevalence of this problem). Follow this with a couple of
sentences about the theory you chose to guide nursing interventions. Remember, in the
introduction you want to grab the reader’s attention. End the introduction with a purpose
statement (The purpose of this paper is to…).
• Description of Theory (15 points) – Describe in detail the nursing middle range theory that you
selected. This description must be accurate and in sufficient depth so that the reader will be able
to understand important concepts and how they relate to one another. Use 2 or more primary
sources to support the description of the theory.
• Application of the Theory in Research and/or Practice (15 points) – Provide a brief overview of
the literature that supports the use of this theory. This evidence must be in the form of research
or application in the clinical setting. Please note that for this section three recent, peer reviewed

articles meet the assignment criteria. The setting or population in these three articles does not
have to be similar or the same as your problem. For example if the problem you identify is pain in
elderly dementia patients and you are using Comfort Theory, the three articles you choose do not
have to be about the use of Comfort Theory with elderly patients in pain. Any three recent peer
reviewed articles that used Comfort Theory in research or practice can be included.
• Description of the Problem (5 points) – Describe the problem in one paragraph. Be succinct, but
provide sufficient detail in order for the reader to understand the problem.
• Application to Practice (20 points) – Present an assessment of the problem using the theory as
a guiding framework. Describe the problem and identify possible solutions in the form of
intervention strategies. Identify the possible outcomes with the application of this theory.
• Alternate Theory (10 points) – Identify a theory from another discipline that could also guide
your practice in the same situation. Provide justification for using this theory. You may use your
textbook as a secondary source for the alternate theory.
• Conclusions (10 points) – Completely summarize your thoughts without introducing new
• Conference with Professor (5 points) – Students must make an individual appointment with the
professor to discuss progress on this paper no later than 4/14/20. The conference can be held by
email, telephone, or in person on the Bklyn Campus. Scheduling details will be discussed in
class and/or posted in Black Board. In preparation for the conference each student must:
o Select a problem from practice that you are interested in
o Choose the nursing middle range theory you will apply to the problem (see list on p. 8 of the

course outline)
o Send the three articles that you have chosen for the “Application of Theory in Research and/or
Practice” section to me as attachments in three separate emails using Blackboard email
o Send a list of the primary sources (2 or more) you are using to support the “Description of
Theory” section via Blackboard email. All assignment criteria due by Tuesday, 4/14/20.
APA – This paper must be presented in an organized and scholarly fashion following APA 6th
edition guidelines. Up to seven (7) points can be deducted for the following:
1. Clarity – 3 points
2. References – 2 points
3. APA Format – 2 points