Prevention and Control of Diseases Quad Chart Assignment

Prevention and Control of Diseases Quad Chart Assignment


Considering the current breast cancer incidence, death, recurrence, metastatic disease, risk factors, and treatment options, the Avon
Breast Cancer Crusade continues to search for new preventive strategies to address the growing number of cases around the globe.
The aim of this program is to support innovative, high impact research focused on ending breast cancer. This year, the Avon
Breast Cancer Crusade Research Program seeks proposals to advance understanding of prevention of breast cancer.
You are required by your employee – Streetsboro Department of Health – to prepare a quad chart of the synopsis of the
proposed research for this grant proposal.
**You are highly encouraged to conduct a literature review on breast cancer before preparing your applications. **
Summary of Learning Objectives:
1. Use library discovery tools to identify credible or professional journal articles.
2. Determine appropriate use of data, statistical methods, and laboratory procedures for problem identification and resolution, and
program planning, implementation and evaluation.
3. Summarize information from popular and professional articles.
4. Apply evidence-based biological principles to development and implementation of breast cancer prevention, control, or
management of programs.
A. General Instructions
• Please make a quad chart on one PowerPoint slide that describes your proposed project.
• You are expected to briefly inform the general public about the design and the merit of your work, that is, the information should be written for members of the general public, rather than for researchers or professionals.
• You are limited to one slide ONLY.
• Use 11 point Arial font (template default). If you do not have enough space, reduce the amount of text, not the size of the font.
• Please see the quad chart cheat sheet above and the template below for help.
B. Content
• Header: Project Information
• Enter Project Title, Principal Investigator (you) Name in the format: First, Last, and Degree(s)
• Enter research area addressed, program director/manager or company name
• Complete all the sections of the Quad chart
Quadrant 1: Project Description (Upper Left)
• Enter total $ award amount requested.
• Enter anticipated start date of the project.
• Enter the Key Research Aims.
• Provide a summary description of the design, noting the population, intervention and comparators, and primary outcome measure, as
Quadrant 2: Project Benefits and Innovations (Lower Left)
• List the major (potential) scientific innovations of the project in the upper section.
• List the anticipated benefits and challenges to women in the lower section.
Quadrant 3: Figure (Upper Right)
• Illustrate the problem, conceptual model, study approach (graph or table of relevant data may be used).
Quadrant 4: Timeline (Lower right)
• Insert a simplified study timeline listing the tasks, funding, and the fiscal years the study will be active OR your measures of success
C. Submission

1. Save the file with your lastname_firstname_ProjectTitle (where “lastname” and “firstname” refer to your last and first names).
• Submit by due date on course blackboard page.
• Submit the reference list in APA format on a different page