Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Safety

Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Safety

Develop cultural competence

Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children

Instructions to Student
Number of Tasks: Three (3) 

Time Allowed: Due date as per your study guide due date schedule.


Materials to be supplied by the student: Computer and pen.


General Instructions:

·              You specifically address all parts of each question and/or task instruction;

·              You use your own words and reference any sourced information appropriately;

·              You submit your own work;

·              Your answers are professionally presented ie. Spelling, grammar, formatting;

·              Answers should be detailed enough to meet the requirements of the questions/unit of competency;

·              Word limits are not provided. Length of assessments will depend on the content the student selects to build upon. Therefore ensure you have provided detailed answers to address the requirements of the task. Dot points are acceptable; and

·              Ensure that you explain each response thoroughly to demonstrate your skills and knowledge of identifying and responding to children and young people at risk.


Information / Materials provided:

Learning Resources on CONNECT


Assessment Criteria:

For a ‘satisfactory ‘result in this task, all questions must be answered to a ‘satisfactory’ standard. This means that :

To achieve a satisfactory result, your assessor will be looking for your ability to demonstrate key skills, tasks and knowledge to an acceptable industry standard in relation:

·              To working in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for the child;

·              To identifying Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety issues in the workplace, model cultural safety in own work practice, and develop strategies to enhance cultural safety;

·              To working towards cultural competency and to support participation of all children and families in cluidren’s services. This support includes contributing to children’s understanding and acceptance of all cultures. 

Number of Attempts:

You will receive up to two (2) attempts at this assessment task.

Should you not submit your assessment by the due date.

Then you will be marked as unsatisfactory on your 1st attempt.

Should your 1st attempt of submission be unsatisfactory (U).


Your teacher will provide feedback and discuss the relevant sections / questions with you and will arrange a due date for the submission of your 2nd attempt.

If your 2nd submission is unsatisfactory (U), or you fail to submit a 2nd attempt, you will receive an overall unsatisfactory result for this assessment task.

Only one (1) re-assessment attempt may be granted for each assessment task, with the exception of Apprentices or Trainees who are permitted an additional supplementary assessment. For more information, refer to the Student Rules.

Submission details Insert your details on page one (1).If you are submitting this assessment as a hard copy ensure you sign the Student Declaration. Include this template with your submission.

Assessment must be submitted by the due date identified as per study guide Assessment Due Date Schedule.

Method of submission;  Assessment to be submitted via

·              TAFE Queensland Learning Management System: Connect[1]

·              Username; 10 digit student number

·              To reset your password go to Password reset[2]


Instructions for the Assessor This is an open book assessment, students should be able to complete as per the Unit Study Guide due dates schedule. All students are provided with and required to follow the above instructions, specific assessment instructions and instructions to submit online.This assessment can be submitted online through CONNECT. Online submission act in lieu of coversheet/signature and all act as student’s consent to be assessed.

If this assessment is submitted via a hard copy then a coversheet/signature must be included with the assessment.

Review the student’s assessment submission using the Mark Sheet and the Marking Guide.

Mark assessment criteria and overall as S or NS and provide comments to validate the results. Insert X in the S column or an X in the NS column accordingly.

Students are allowed two submissions. You may wish to clarify some answers verbally, if so please comment that the student has readdressed the questions appropriately verbally with the date of the conversation.

Store assessed tasks and Marking Sheet in student file and record result on ASR.


Materials to be Supplied:

Assessment, templates, supporting resources in learning manuals and marking sheets where relevant.

Note to Student An overview of all Assessment Tasks relevant to this unit is located in the Unit Study Guide.




This task is a short research task. You are to research the history of Australia pre and post colonisation.  Your research must ensure learning about European settlement, loss of land and culture and the importance of law and kinship. You are to use a selection of the following resources to complete your research about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander History:


  1. List five (5) events/facts that you have found out about Australian history that you did not know and provide a brief explain about each of them.
  2. a)






  1. b)







  1. c)






  1. d)






  1. e)







  1. a) Write at least one (1) paragraph to explain the overall impact of the above historic events, such as European settlement, loss of land, loss of culture, racism and discrimination, and government policies on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.










  1. b) Write one (1) paragraph that explains the effects of the above historic events you identified in question 1, such as European settlement, loss of land, loss of culture, racism and discrimination, government policies being felt by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in today’s society, and the impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.








  1. Read the article Including Aboriginal Australia in your service[7] (PDF 1.2MB).

Identify 3 reasons why educators have been hesitant about including Aboriginal culture in their services.

  1. a)






  1. b)






  1. c)








  1. Think about what you have learnt about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history in relation to your own cultural understanding. How have you changed your views? Consider the following in your response:
  • Racism
  • Equal rights
  • Government policy










  1. a) List the five (5) Torres Strait Island groups and the names of each island in those groups.
  2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  5. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  6. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


  1. b) List the three (3) main languages spoken in the Torres Strait Islands. Include where they are spoken.
  2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


  1. c) Identify and explain three (3) cultural differences between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Scenario 1
A new family from Greece has just enrolled in your service. The child Markos will be starting in care next week. This is the first time Markos will have attended a service. The family have brought Markos to your Kindergarten room to meet you and your Lead Educator.


  1. At the initial orientation at the service:
  2. a) What would you and the service do to make Markos and their family feel welcome?





  1. b) List what information needs to be available for Markos’ family regarding the operation of the service.





  1. c) What information would you make available for all families about community services and resources in your area?





  1. d) Provide three (3) strategies you could implement to ensure information is current and easily understood?
  2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



  1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



  1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



  1. e) How will you assist Markos’ family to locate and contact community services and resources?





  1. f) What information would you and the service gather from Markos’ family?





  1. Once Markos has commenced at the Service:
  2. a) How would you ensure a welcoming atmosphere and that you were culturally appropriate and effective in supporting Markos and his family to settle into your Kindergarten room?





  1. b) How would you exchange information with the family about Markos interests, and gather information about key family events that may influence his behaviour?





  1. c) How would you check whether your care practices were meeting their needs?






  1. d) How would you respond to the family when they had questions, concerns or requests?





  1. e) Identify three (3) strategies for involving the family in contributing to the operation of a service. Either as an advisor, consulting or decision-making role.
  2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



  1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



  1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………




  1. f) Identify three (3) strategies on how you can share information with families about their child’s progress, relationships, interests and experiences both in and outside the service.
  2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



  1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



  1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………





  1. g) If you need further support in relation to cultural diversity concerns, who could you contact?










Scenario 2
National Quality Standards (NQS) Element 6.2.3 states that “The service builds relationships and engages with it’s community”.Guide to the National Quality Standard Assessment and rating process[8] (PDF 13MB)

You live in Brisbane and have just secured a position as an educator in a Remote Early Childhood Service which is located in an Indigenous Community in the Cape York area. This will be the first time you have been to a remote community and you do not know much about the area.


Use the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Engagement Toolkit[9] (Word doc 248KB) to assist with responding to this scenario:

  1. What steps could you take, and who would you consult with in preparing yourself, prior to moving to your new job in reference to community protocols?









  1. You have made contact with the outgoing Educator to discuss any issues/needs/ideas that you need to know before you move. The outgoing Educator has told you that there is difficulty in making relationships with the Community and difficulties in talking to the Board of Directors (Community Elders) about issues concerning the Service.
  2. a) What could you do to improve relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, in regards to consultation and engagement between the Early Childhood Service and the community?












  1. b) How would you engage with community members, who use English as a second language?












  1. c) As part of your new job in the Cape York Early Childhood Service, you have been tasked with an outcome to promote cultural safety. Complete the table below to achieve the outcome.


Outcome What three (3) strategies and resources could we use to achieve this outcome? Who will be involved (including how you involve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people) How will you know your strategies are successful?







Use the Guide to the National Quality Standard Assessment and rating process[10] (PDF 13MB) and the Early Years Learning Framework to assist you with the below questions.


  1. What are the guiding principles in the National Quality Standards which should be applied in your daily practices in regards to working in partnership with families and in relation to culture and diversity?










  1. What are the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) Principles and Practices that guide you in relation to working in partnership with families and culture and diversity?


  1. What Quality Area/s and Standards guides our practices in relation to working in partnership with families?[11]
Quality Area










