Proposing a business information system to improve the business environment

– You are required to Proposing a business information system to improve the
business environment” and select a business problems to be solved.
Please refer to the Project Topics uploaded on e-learning to help you for choosing an organization. Please
note that you need to apply the system development life cycle (SDLC) (Analysis, Design and
implementation) to develop the selected business problem using MS Access.
2. Objectives:
The main objective of project is to acquaint students with the role of BIS
technologies to improve business environment and increase the efficiency of its
business processes.
3. General Instructions:
1. The report
 For the topic investigation. Use articles and/or books; do not depend on
untrusted web sites.

Do not include theories and any secondary data without introducing your
own in-depth analysis, showing your opinion, discussing pros and cons if
needed and evaluating using your own words. Give citations for facts and
quotes. Discuss how your topic relates to material covered in the text
and/or in lecture discussions.
 Proper citation using BUE referencing style is required.
 One page should cover title, BUE logo, student name and ID.
 Page numbers should be centred on the bottom of each page in format of
(Page 1 of 4 for example).
 Organize your research paper by dividing it into a set of paragraphs.
 Figures should be added to explain the text, when it required, and it should
be captioned by figure subtitle starting by figure number (e.g. Figure 1).
 Conclusion should include your findings, results, benefits of your proposed
systems and your future recommendation.
 Do not hand project that is purely theoretical (in form of copy and paste).
Such projects will not get marks. You must apply the theoretical
background on your selected company.
 One of the most common problems with projects is poor organization. So,
please organize your thoughts before writing.
 Do not wait until being late. Start early as soon as possible in case you have
to change topic.
 Contact to the module team if you have problems.
 The report project submitted by 2020 before 4:00 pm.
 Your project should be outlined as:
o Cover page: with title, BUE logo, your name and your ID.
o Table of contents (with page No.).
o Introduction.
o Analysis phase:
• Company’s background.
• Business problems (at least 2 problems)

Identify an application area for which database systems
may prove beneficial and all required data needed.
• How your proposed Database will support Decision
making process in your organization.
• The advantages of the proposed DB in your chosen
o Design and develop your database:
• tables; identify their attributes, the data type of each
attribute, and a primary key for each table �
• Each table should consist of 5 records.
• Identify and implement the relationships among the
tables – through the primary/foreign keys concept.
• Draw an ERD for 2 tables.
o Implementation of Data base (MS Access):
• Implement 2 tables and apply the suitable type of
relationship between them.
• Implement an appropriate form for one of the tables and
implement 1 main Form.
• Implement 1 query and 1 report.
• And describe each query and report function and how the
business problems will be solved among this report and
o Conclusion: Your comments, evaluation, findings…etc.
o List of references.
o Appendix (if needed)
2. Layout and Format: The report must be:
 Word-processed.
 Submitted on A4 paper.
 Double line spaced.
 Font Arial 12 point

Page Limit
 The report must be from 4-5 pages (excluding cover page, abstract, table

of contents, references).
 No penalty will be applied if the word limit is exceeded by up to 10% (half
page). If the word limit is exceeded this, then the marks will be deducted
due to the redundancy.
 It is not recommended that the report should be of less than 3 pages, as it
will not meet expectations.