Psychiatric evaluation on a patient that you are working with at the inpatient psychiatric hospital 

Psychiatric evaluation on a patient that you are working with at the inpatient psychiatric hospital. It could inpatient unit or CPEP. If you retrieve information from the chart or family, neighbors, social workers (other then the patient) in a particular category, state this.


  1. Psychiatric History
  2. Identification: Name, age, marital status, sex, occupation, language if other than English, race, nationality, and rel igion ifpertinent; previous admissions to a hospital for the same or a different condition; with whom the patient lives
  3. Chief complaint: Exactly why the patient came to the psychiatrist, preferably in the patient’s own words; if that information does not come from the patient, note who supplied it
  4. History of present illness: Chronological background and development of the symptoms or behavioral changes that culminated in the patient’s seeking assistance; patient’s l ife circumstances at the time of onset; personality when well; how illness has affected life activities and personal relations-changes in personality, interests, mood, attitudes toward others, dress, habits, level of tenseness, irritability, activity, attention, concentration, memory, speech; psychophysiological symptomsnature and details of dysfunction; pain-location, intensity, fluctuation; level of anxiety-generalized and nonspecific (free floating) or specifically related to particular situations, activities, or objects; how anxieties are handled-avoidance, repetition of feared situation, use of drugs or other activities for alleviation
  5. Past psychiatric and medical history: (1) Emotional or mental disturbances-extent of incapacity, type of treatment, names of hospitals, length of illness, effect of treatment; (2) psychosomatic disorders: hay fever, arthritis, colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, recurrent colds, skin conditions; (3) medical conditions: follow customary review of systems-sexually transmitted diseases, alcohol or other substance abuse, at risk for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS); (4) neurological disorders: headache, craniocerebral trauma, loss of consciousness, seizures, or tumors
  6. Family history: Elicited from patient and from someone else, because quite different descriptions may be given of the same persons and events; ethnic, national, and religious traditions; other persons in the home, descriptions of them-personality and intelligence-and what has become of them since patient’s childhood; descriptions of different households lived in; present relationships between patient and those who were in family; role of illness in the family; family history of mental illness; where does patient l ive-neighborhood and particular residence of the patient; is home crowded; privacy of family members from each other and from other families; sources of family income and difficulties in obtaining it; public assistance (if any) and attitude about it; will patient lose job or apartment by remaining in the hospital; who is caring for children
  7. Personal history (anamnesis): History of the patient’s life from infancy to the present to the extent it can be recalled; gaps in history as spontaneously related by the patient; emotions associated with different life periods (painful, stressful, conflictual) or with phases of life cycle

1 . Early childhood (Birth through age 3)

  1. Prenatal history and mother’s pregnancy and delivery: Length of pregnancy, spontaneity and normality of delivery, birth trauma, whether patient was planned and wanted, birth defects
  2. Feeding habits: Breast-fed or bottle-fed, eating problems
  3. Early development: Maternal deprivation, language development, motor development, signs of unmet needs, sleep pattern, object constancy, stranger anxiety, separation anxiety
  4. Toilet training: Age, attitude of parents, feelings about it
  5. e. Symptoms of behavior problems: Thumb sucking, temper tantrums, tics, head bumping, rocking, night terrors, fears, bed-wetting or bed soi ling, nail biti ng, masturbation
  6. Personality and temperament as a child: Shy, restless, overactive, withdrawn, studious, outgoing, timid, athletic, friendly patterns of play, reactions to siblings

2 . Middle childhood (ages 3 to 11): Early school history-feel ings about going to school, early adjustment, sex identification, conscience development, punishment; social relationships, attitudes toward siblings and playmates

3 . Later childhood (prepuberty through adolescence)

  1. a. Peer relationships: Number and closeness of friends, leader or follower, social popularity, participation in group or gang activities, idealized figures; patterns of aggression, passivity, anxiety, antisocial behavior
  2. b. School history: How far the patient went, adjustment to school, relationships with teachers-teacher’s pet or rebellious-favorite studies or interests, particular abilities or assets, extracurricular activities, sports, hobbies, relationships of problems or symptoms to any school period
  3. c. Cognitive and motor development: Learning to read and other intellectual and motor skills, minimal cerebral dysfunction, learning disabil ities-their management and effects on the child
  4. d. Particular adolescent emotional or physical problems: Nightmares, phobias, masturbation, bed-wetting, running away, delinquency, smoking, drug or alcohol use, weight problems, feeling of inferiority
  5. Psychosexual history
  6. Early curiosity, infanti le masturbation, sex play
  7. Acquiring of sexual knowledge, attitude of parents toward sex, sexual abuse

iii. Onset of puberty, feelings about it, kind of preparation, feelings about menstruation, development of secondary sexual characteristics

  1. Adolescent sexual activity: Crushes, parties, dating, petting, masturbation, wet dreams and attitudes toward them
  2. Attitudes toward same and opposite sex: Timid, shy, aggressive, need to impress, seductive, sexual conquests, anxiety
  3. Sexual practices: Sexual problems, homosexual and heterosexual experiences, paraphilias, promiscuity
  4. Religious background: Strict, liberal, mixed (possible conflicts), relation of background to current religious practices
  5. Adulthood
  6. a. Occupational history: Choice of occupation, training, ambitions, conflicts; relations with authority, peers, and subordinates; number of jobs and duration; changes in job status; current job and feelings about it
  7. Social activity: Whether patient has friends or not; is patient withdrawn or socializing well; social, intellectual, and physical interests; relationships with same sex and opposite sex; depth, duration, and quality of human relations
  8. Adult sexuality

i . Premarital sexual relationships, age of first coitus, sexual orientation

  1. Marital history: Common-law marriages, legal marriages, description of courtship and role played by each partner, age at marriage, family planning and contraception, names and ages of children, attitudes toward raising children, problems of any family members, housing difficulties if important to the marriage, sexual adjustment, extramarital affairs, areas of agreement and disagreement, management of money, role of in-laws

iii. Sexual symptoms: Anorgasmia, impotence, premature ejaculation, lack of desire

  1. Attitudes toward pregnancy and having children; contraceptive practices and feelings about them
  2. Sexual practices: Paraphil ias such as sadism, fetishes, voyeurism; attitude toward fellation, cunnil ingus; coital techniques, frequency
  3. Military history: General adjustment, combat, i njuries, referral to psychiatrists, type of discharge, veteran status
  4. Value systems: Whether children are seen as a burden or a joy; whether work is seen as a necessary evil, an avoidable chore, or an opportunity; current attitude about religion; belief in heaven and hell

Summation of the examiner’s observations and impressions derived from the initial interview

  1. Further Diagnostic Studies
  2. Physical examination
  3. B. Neurological examination
  4. C. Additional psychiatric diagnostic studies
  5. D. Interviews with family members, friends, or neighbors by a social worker
  6. E. Psychological, neurological, or laboratory tests as indicated: Electroencephalogram, computed tomography scan, magnetic resonance imaging, tests of other medical conditions, reading comprehension and writing tests, test for aphasia, projective or objective psychological tests, dexamethasone-suppression test, 24-hour urine test for heavy metal intoxication, urine screen for drugs of abuse
  7. Summary of Findings

Summarize mental symptoms, medical and laboratory findings, and psychological and neurological test results, if available; include medications patient has been taking, dosage, duration. Clarity of thinking is reflected i n clarity of writing. When summarizing the mental status (e.g., the phrase “Patient denies hallucinations and delusions” is not as precise as “Patient denies hearing voices or thinking that he is being followed.”). The latter indicates the specific question asked and the specific response given. Similarly, in the conclusion of the report one would write “Hallucinations and delusions were not elicited.”