Psychology of Ageing

Psychology of Ageing 

Further instructions
Stuart-Hamilton, I. (2012). The Psychology of Ageing: An introduction (5th ed.). London: Jessica

Paper due 15th December, 2019. 
Please note that all chapters indicated in the subject schedule refer to this textbook. However, for
some weeks, you have been assigned articles to read rather than a textbook chapter. You will be
directed in the weekly study guide as to how you should locate these journal articles. The weekly
study guides will be available via Interact2 under Tasks and Topics.

Further instructions

Stuart-Hamilton, I. (2012). The Psychology of Ageing: An introduction (5th ed.). London: Jessica Kingsley.

Please note that all chapters indicated in the subject schedule refer to this textbook. However, for some weeks, you have been assigned articles to read rather than a textbook chapter. You will be directed in the weekly study guide as to how you should locate these journal articles. The weekly study guides will be available via Interact2 under Tasks and Topics.

Secondly, I have had a couple of emails now from students asking about the number of references expected in the short-answer assessments. So that everyone has the same information, here is the response to that question:

Other than the couple of questions in Assessment 2, where you are asked to “provide your own example” of something, I would expect to see at least one reference in each question.

The textbook is suitable to use as a reference, but I’m looking for students to engage with this as more than just a ‘pick the right answer out of the textbook’ exercise. In most cases, the textbook author cites academic studies – they might be something you can read to broaden your understanding.

Saying that, I realise 50 words is a tight limit, so I’m not expecting you to be reading 4 or 5 articles and citing them all for each question.