Public and Private Management

Topic: Public and Private Management

Paper details:

1-Page Position Statements For sessions 2 You will submit a position statement of max. 500 words (1-page) Your submitted statements will serve two purposes: they will prepare you effectively for the session at hand and aid me in tailoring the session according to your interests, needs, and demands. Your statements will also help structure discussions about the readings and the case. Please find below the questions for your position statement (max. 500 words) Readings: 1. Based on Allison’s and Moore’s articles, identify two key differences between strategy formulation in the public and the private sector. Do you agree with the long-held assumption that strategizing in the public sector is more difficult? Why (not)? Case: 2. Define the public value proposition of the Hong Kong Buildings Department up to 1999. What was its key mission and corresponding narrative? You: 3. Please suggest topics or questions you’d like to see discussed and/or clarified in class tomorrow.