Quality and Risk Management for Healthcare Paper


  • You should include a title page and list of contents.
  • Use headings and sub-headings to organize your report and include supporting material in the document file.
  • Number all pages sequentially.
  • Any published material you refer to should be properly referenced and included in a reference list at the end of your assignment (see Plagiarism notice overleaf).

Total Marks           / 40


Plagiarism is a form of cheating, by representing someone else’s work as your own or using someone else’s work (another student or author) without acknowledging it with a reference. This is a serious breach of the Academic Regulations and will be dealt with accordingly. Students found to have plagiarised can be excluded from the program.

Plagiarism occurs whenever you do any of the following things without acknowledging the original source:

  • Copy information from any source (including the study guide, books, newspapers, the internet)
  • Use another person’s concepts or ideas
  • Summarise or paraphrase another person’s wor

How do I avoid plagiarism?

To ensure you are not plagiarising, you must acknowledge with a reference whenever you:

  • use another person’s ideas, opinions or theory
  • include any statistics, graphs or images that have been compiled or created by another person or organization
  • Paraphrase another’s written or spoken wor

What are the penalties?

The penalties for plagiarism are:

  • Deduction of marks,
  • A mark of zero for the assignment or the unit, or
  • Exclusion from the program.

Plagiarism is dealt with on a case-by-case basis and the penalties will reflect the seriousness of the breach.

Please note: claiming that you were not aware of need to reference is no excuse.

Answer the following.


  • Some ill patients get better despite nursing care, not as a result  of it. the quality of nursing affects patient outcomes tremendously.  do you believe that quality nursing care makes a difference in patients’ lives? identify five criteria you would use to define “quality nursing care.” these criteria should reflect what you believe nurses do that makes the difference in patient outcomes. are the criteria you have selected measurable? how?

Write a well developed response and provide evidence to support your response.

  • Describe selected qualitative measures of quality used in your facility. how is the data collected, analyzed, and then used in improving patient care? does the quality of your patient care fall within the parameters established as a result? is your patient care always as high as you would like it to be? what factors affect this quality? which ones can you control?  in your clinical experience what are the things that have affected the quality of care provided? how?

Write a well developed response and provide evidence to support your response.

  • The purpose of this assignment is to develop a risk management plan or program that can be utilized in any health care setting. identify the key elements in a risk management plan.

Address elements that are crucial to the minimization of financial loss.

Develop a program to reduce the incidence of preventable accidents and injuries.

Include a description of the interaction between quality and risk management. this may    include, but not be limited to, a description of a process improvement goal or a quality improvement plan.



  1. The concept of “quality” has evolved to mean far more than the integrity of a manufactured product. Quality now represents a philosophy, a system of methodologies and practices, and an ongoing commitment to business excellence that encompasses all issues – and engages all individuals – within an organization. Based on the comment enumerate the evolution of awareness of quality in healthcare among the public.?
  2. Quality health care is defined as “the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge..According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, the majority of medical errors result from faulty systems and processes, not individuals. Processes that are inefficient and variable, changing case mix of patients, health insurance, differences in provider education and experience, and numerous other factors contribute to the complexity of health. Highlight the principles that are essential for promoting Quality of care.?
  3. Write down the respondents’ perception regarding the forms of redress available to them in the event of harm by healthcare in their own country or another member state.?
  4. Quality management can be thought of as the process of designing and executing products and services effectively, efficiently, and economically. In this context, effectiveness primarily involves the ability of the products and services to meet or exceed customers’ expectations, while efficiency involves the ability to provide products and services without wasting any resources. Risk management is the process of identifying, addressing, prioritizing, and eliminating potential sources of failure to achieve objectives. Based on your perspective, how have risk management and quality evolved?
  5. Give a detailed note on quality improvement tools in Health care?
  6. For healthcare providers, there is perhaps no word that elicits as much confusion, fear and anger as “malpractice. Medical malpractice is “improper, unskilled, or negligent treatment of a patient by a physician, dentist, nurse, pharmacist, or other healthcare professional. Summarize some of the major influences that often lead to claims of malpractices?
  7. Risk management is important for all types of organizations, but it’s especially important in healthcare because human lives might be on the line. A good healthcare risk management plan can reduce patient health risks as well as financial and liability risks. List out – Risk management DOs and DON’Ts. ?