Rates Of Infant Mortality: Racial, Ethnic, and Socio-Economic Disparities

Rates Of Infant Mortality: Racial, Ethnic, and Socio-Economic Disparities

‘White Paper’: to 1. inform reader of the disparities, and 2. Suggest a solution to close the gap. Due to the nature of the course, the resources utilized have to be USA resources. Details of the White Paper:The Problem — This is the introduction to your white paper. It will tell the reader what their primary problem or opportunity is (something holding back their own business, or an opportunity to drastically increase sales or productivity for example). Your introduction shouldn’t be more than a page long. You want to get the problem across quickly in order to grab the reader’s attention. Proof the Problem Exists — You say there’s a problem for the reader. So what? Why should they believe you? After exposing them to the primary problem, you need to back it up with market research. This is where you’ll include statistics that verify your claim. white paper – market researchAdditional Problems — Sometimes the initial problem is enough to get the reader’s interest, but not enough by itself to make them feel that action is necessary now. There are often additional problems that could be addressed by the same solution. Include them here. The Basic Solution — Don’t jump into talking about your own product yet. This is still a part of the educational aspect of the white paper. You should describe the basic solution that the reader should consider (for example, if you were trying to sell software as mentioned earlier, here you’d make a case for your type of software — not your company). This section should also cover the benefits of the solution to the reader. Remember, as in all forms of copywriting, focus on benefits rather than features. Your Solution — Here’s where you get to toot your own horn. You’ve (hopefully) convinced the reader that they like your basic solution. Now you get to tell them why they should buy from you specifically. I like to keep this to a single page — I almost treat it as a flyer, showcasing intro copy to highlight specific benefits, any information that sets your product apart from the competition, and then a call to action. You should always include a call to action (send them to your website to order, have them call a rep to answer their questions, etc.). Without a call to action, why did you just get them to read through the white paper? https://www.dirjournal.com/blogs/how-to-write-a-white-paper/