Reflection Human immunodeficiency virus HIV

Topic: reflection

Paper details:


Human immunodeficiency virus HIV disease chronic kidney diseases, stage 3 moderate. hypothyroidism,constipation, infection as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere lack o coordination  legal blindness’s defined dysphagia automatism hypothalami and hypothermia other epilepsy.

he has would both  heel  and his skin is very fragile

he is very nice what priced me is he ask people when they that to him when some people pass by and ask him what are you Mr. J he ask i am fine thank you who are you the person will say i am Tisha oh Tisha god please you every time he will make me feel bless taking care of him  he pray for all people around him with out thinking bout him self he is selfless thank you god bless all of you

i really like how he interact with other he is very nice and hope hope full he ask me my name and thank me for the way i feed him he told me the person before me was in hurry  and she pushed the food into his mouth so he said that he was thankful for me be constant careful well you are feeding .