Reflection Report

Your task is to write a total of 5x 200-word weekly in-depth reflections from each of the weeks focusing on at least one major lesson learnt for your own leadership development. These should be focused, personal, practical, candid, specific, and in-depth reflections about what you have learned about yourself. These lessons might relate the discussion in lectures, class and/or tutorial, and/or what you learnt through the assigned readings, at your workplace, or generally in the community. You also need to identify areas for improvement to enhance leadership effectiveness and how you would go about achieving them. The first 5 weeks of reflections (weeks 1-5) are due at the end of Week 5. The second 5 weeks of reflections (weeks 6-10) are due at the end of Week 10. Please note that this is a reflective exercise, as such do not merely re-tell what happened in class or what you read in the reading. Rather, they are reflections of how a specific idea/lesson relates to your personal and specific leadership development in terms of strengths, weaknesses, potentials, barriers, etc. A few questions to help you think about the weekly entry are as follows: Am I seeing myself as a leader now or as an emerging leader?How can I develop leadership skills from these weekly sessions/classes?How does the learning challenge the way I see myself, my work, or the real world?Why is it relevant to my career or future plan?How am I going to apply the idea/lesson in my own context? Are there some foreseeable challenges?What is the action plan?  In order to work on this assignment, it is imperative that you attend the lectures and tutorials each week. The more you contribute to the class discussion, the easier for you to reflect on the lessons learned. Contribution through active participation has many facets in this unit including, attentiveness (focus directed to learning from others; not distracting others), being respectful to others view, understanding and appreciating diversity, and providing constructive comments and suggestions and making contributions during case study analysis and presentations during tutorials.