Reflective Assessment

Reflective Assessment

Question #1
According to the Cultural Development Model, there are six stages towards achieving cultural competence:
Stage 1. Cultural incompetence
Do nothing to increase knowledge of different cultures.
Stage 2. Cultural knowledge
Assess cultural attitudes and knowledge. Learn facts about cultures, especially related to health and health behaviors.
Stage 3. Cultural awareness
Understand implications of culture on health behaviors.
Stage 4. Cultural sensitivity
Combine knowledge and awareness into individual and institutional behaviors.
Stage 5. Cultural competency
Routinely employ culturally appropriate health care interventions and practices.
Stage 6. Cultural proficiency
Practice with cultural competence and integrate it into one’s research and scholarship activities.
Answer the following parts of this question:
A. In which stage do you consider yourself to be? Choose between stage 3 and stage 4.
B. Give at least two (2) examples of behaviors or perceptions that place you at that stage?
C. In which stage were you this time last year? Explain.
D. How has this course contributed to your level of knowledge or skills in this area?
E. Identify two (2) strategies you could use to move to a higher stage? Be specific. Explain why you chose these strategies.
Question #2
Select one of the topics covered in Module 2 of this course that you feel will be most beneficial to you as a future practicing pharmacist and reflect upon it. Explain why you selected this topic.
From this module I chose “Communication in patient centered-care, relationship among listening, empathy and patient problem solving.

Question #3
Explain how the presentation of the above-selected topic either changed your thinking and/or point of view of past-held beliefs or reinforced what you had already believed or knew.
The reflective assessment must be posted before the stated deadline. Your reflection should be formatted in the same matter as the questions, with the question number listed and the corresponding answer given below it. You do NOT have to repeat the questions, but you may. The
answer to each question should provide evidence of a deep reflection on the topic asked.
This assignment is the comprehensive, end-of-semester assessment for Module 2 of the course; it is worth 22% of your overall course grade.
Your efforts in answering these questions should reflect the significance of the assignment.
This assignment will be graded on your reflective insight, critical thinking involved in your answers, and relevance to communications and other social-behavior issues.
Reflections must be posted by the due date using 12-point, Times New Roman font, and 1.5 line spacing.