Relationship Between Food Habits and Culture”.

Relationship Between Food Habits and Culture”

Individual Essay Food sustainability, globalization, cross-cultural and regional influences will be
assessed and evaluated through a written assignment 1000-1200 word essay.
Assessment DescriptionsStudents are required to write a maximum of 1000-1200 word essay on
the topic of: “The Relationship Between Food Habits and Culture”. Please submit through turnitin
accessed via “WebCampus” Instructions:a) Maximum of 1000-1200 words; word count to be
stated on the front proforma cover b) Cover page: module name, code, your name and student
ID. An essay proforma will be available on WebCampusc) Font 12 of Times New Roman with 1.5
spacing and one-inch margind) Printed on A4-size paper and stapled on the top left had corner
of the front pagee) The editorial style of American Psychological Association (APA) for citation of
references has to be followed. Information can be accessed via WebCampus subject modules as
to APA referencing requirements.f) Required to use at least six relevant journal articles in this
assignment.g) Only two internet references allowed. Please reference correctly