Relationship Project Proposal

Interpersonal Communication

Relationship Project

Purpose of project:

  1. To describe and explain the communication in a relationship you have with another person
  2. To create a plan to improve some aspect of the relationship, using specific concepts learned from class and/or from your textbook

Relationship Project Proposal- due separately from Relationship Project

  • Read the entire project description below.  In a short 1 page paper, please tell me:
    1. Which relationship are you focusing on for this project.
    2. Which aspect of the relationship would you like to see improve- what is the history of communication in this relationship?
    3. What patterns do you think you do well?  What patterns don’t seem effective?

Implementation of project:

  1. Choose an individual you see at least twice a week, and with whom you have had a personal or professional relationship for at least three months.
  2. Describe the nature of the relationship: what type of relationship is it? How did you meet? What is the history of the relationship?
  3. Find two resources (journal article, properly cited) that discussion communication in the type of relationship you chose (ex. Friendship, romantic relationships, parental, sibling, etc)
  4. Implement an improvement plan- the improvement plan will consist of:
    • At least two perception checks, used appropriately.
    • At least two examples of you consciously choosing to alter a listening pattern in order to improve your listening (talk less, etc from the listening chapter)
    • Two examples of either carefully used “I Language” or Gibbs supportive communication.
  5. Write a paper describing your project and analyzing the results. In your paper, include and discuss:
  • a description of the relationship (10 points)
  • summarize both journal articles addressing communication in relationships (20 points)
  • the perceptions checks and results (10 points)
  • an assessment of your listening patterns (give examples) and how you improved your listening skills (give examples), (10 points)
  • Your two examples of I language or supportive language (10 points)
  • the analysis of the result of the implementation (20 points)
  • how better results might be obtained in future interactions {10 points)
  • oral presentation of highlights of project (see below)- (10 points)
  • include a works cited page with proper APA citation for your two journal articles