Religion and Popular Culture in Dialogue

During this course, you must submit a reflection paper. The essay must be 3-5 pages.  You must submit a reflection paper that demonstrates your understanding of the materials that we have studied.  For the reflection paper, you will reflect on one aspect of religion or popular culture (e.g., Popular Culture in Religion, Religion in Popular Culture, Popular Culture as Religion, Religion and Popular Culture in Dialogue).

Each paper should contain the following elements (guidelines):

  1. How might popular culture represent and render religious narratives, images, and ideas?
  2. Can elements of popular culture serve an explicit and/or implicit “religious” purpose?
  3. How and why do some aspects of culture get recognized as “religious” and others do not?
  4. Are there aspects of culture today not explicitly recognized as being “religion” that you think will eventually be recognized as such? How do you think this kind of definitional transformation occurs