‘Research Proposal’ addressing a current or past business problem within a Fortune 500 company

Research Proposal Instructions

You will produce an individual written ‘Research Proposal’ addressing a current or past business problem within a Fortune 500 company.  You will use the company you have already selected and utilize the research that you have already written about in your ‘Mid-Point Proposal Worksheet’ (ie: copy and paste into the Research Proposal template in the appropriate sections).

This proposal must:

  • Address a ‘real’ business problem at a company of your choosing (a Fortune 500


  • Contain an introduction to the problem
  • Highlight the company’s history (3 full paragraphs)
  • Provide at least four alternatives (with support) that you believe could correct

the problem (2 must have citations)

  • Provide a cost-benefit analysis (if needed)
  • Explain your recommended alternative to correct the problem
  • Implement a schedule with a timeline. Use complete sentences.
  • Conclusion. Be specific and detailed!

Your research must include:

  • At least nine references which include a minimum of:

o One book

o Four scholarly journal articles from the Texas A&M – Central Texas library


o No more than 4 internet articles

All references and citations must conform to APA style guidelines (Times New Roman or Arial 12 point font, headers, 1 inch margins, double spaced). This should be written at a collegiate level with proper grammar and punctuation.

The final product should be a 9-11 page report consisting of:

  • 1 – Cover Page
  • 1 – Table of Contents
  • 6 – 8 body Pages
  • 1 – Reference Page
  • Appendices

Use the template provide in Canvas.

For “Skeleton Outline” guidelines/format, see below.

  1. Informational guideline/format for “Individual Proposal [Written Paper]”:
  2. Cover Sheet
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Introduction
  5. Company History (3 Paragraphs minimum)
  6. Problem Identification (2 paragraphs)
  7. Four alternatives [REQUIRED] to solve the problem. (Alternative # 1. “DO NOTHING:” is required-along with an explanation of why this will not fix the problem). *Each paragraph 6-8 sentences each.
  8. Cost/Benefit Analysis: A cost benefit analysis is required if any of your alternatives to the problem include a monetary amount to address the issue.
  9. Selected alternative: Must reflect which alternative you would select, and explain why you believe this alternative will fix the problem. *You must only choose one! *6-8 sentence paragraph
  10. Implementation and Timeline: Your plan for implementing your chosen alternative must be depicted as follows (See below): *Can edit months to weeks if necessary. *Write in complete sentences. Be specific and detailed!
  11. Conclusion *1-2 paragraphs. Each paragraph 6-8 sentences.