Respond to Vargas Llosa’s statement on the importance of literature. 

Topic: Respond to Vargas Llosa’s statement on the importance of literature.


Paper details:

The Quote: “Great literature is…something that enriches your imagination, your sensibility. Great literature develops in readers a critical attitude towards the world. When you return to real life after reading War and Peace – or any of the great works of literature – you are much more [aware of] to the deficiencies of real life, to everything that is wrong, because it’s unjust, unfair or brutal in the world as it is. This critical attitude towards the world is essential to change things, to improve society and to correct the deficiencies of the real world. This is something that you are much more aware of if you are [instilled] with good literature. That is the most social and political and moral effect of good literature.”

The Prompt:

Respond to Vargas Llosa’s statement on the importance of literature. In your opinion, do you agree with Vargas Llosa? Or do you disagree with him? Write a complete, fully developed essay that examines the need to read literature. Be sure to offer some specific examples that support your position. The examples you use may come from personal experience or from larger, cultural ideas. Essay should be 5-8 paragraphs, roughly, with clear introduction, body and conclusion