ROI Analysis

ROI Analysis 

1) Conduct an ROI analysis of the Mario Cuomo Bridge
2) In your Excel file, be clear to share with us the following:
– At what month/year does the bridge break-even with the revenue it generates every
– If the bridge is suppose to have a lifespan of 100 years, at the end of 100 years, how much
revenue would it have generated?
3) Please take the following variables into consideration
* Monthly traffic flow due to seasonality
* How monthly traffic will increase over time due to population increase (or you can argue it may
decrease due to technology innovations and people working from home)

* What the monthly toll rates are and how they fluctuate over time (you have control over this
clearly in your model).
* Due to COVID19, traffic has significantly declined and you can assume this will be the case for
the next 3 months. How will that impact revenue and extend the time to break even?
* You do not have to assume inflation, but if you do, bonus points!
4) Please make it a point to use a visual to show your model. Here is a great example from the
NYTimes on a topic we just spoke about:
Show your work and make it clear where your answers are in the Excel file. Don’t assume
anything. You should also do a small write up in the excel file to explain your assumptions and
how you got to your results.
Resources to help you:
1) (Click on the “Blue Book” links and
see the monthly revenue for the Cuomo Bridge). In order to forecast as accurately as possible,
you will need at least 24 months of data. The more data you have, the more accurately you can
forecast into the future.