Safety Control Methods

Open this active YouTube link ( ) to watch this video titled “The Woodshop Tour”, which is a tour from a wood shop. Draw the layout of this shop on whatever format you prefer. It could be a plot schematic or 3 dimensional layout. As long as it shows the layout of the shop and where all the equipment are located would be fine. As shown in this module (please see uploaded module slide in the file section of this order), show the source of the emissions, employee locations, air movements on your layout. In a separate page, provide a sketch for the layout of the machines, the ducts, collector, fan, stack similar to the module example (figure 1 and 2). Remember that the control system does not have to necessarily exist in the workplace. This is just a practice on drawing your thoughts and ideas on a paper to communicate with other managers in a workplace. Drawings with computer programs like CAD, Google sketch, solid works receive bonus marks. ( You can download Google Sketch Up from this link or any other source you want: ). However, digital drawings of squares and circles, doors, windows (if applies here), etc. is minimal requirement for this activity. Please note that the size and scale and accurate position of the equipment or details are not important in this practice. As long as you can roughly show where everything is placed would be fine.

Here is an example of simple digital drawing:

As illustrated in the above image, the machines, conveyors, bins, fan in the roof, air supply, etc. have been identified. Make assumptions where there is not enough information.

The whole idea is to practice how the control systems impact the exposure in the workplace.