Scenario 10: Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)

Scenario 10: Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)

A 67-year-old male presents to the clinic along with his family with a chief complaint of having problems with his short-term memory. His family had dismissed these problems and attributed them to the aging process. Over time they have noticed changes in his behavior, along with increased confusion and difficulty completing basic tasks. He got lost driving home from the bowling alley and had to be brought home by the police department. He is worried that he may have Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Past medical and social history positive for a minor cerebral vascular accident when he was 50 years old but without any residual motor or sensory defects. No history of alcohol or tobacco use. Current medication is clopidogrel 75 mg po qd.  Neurological testing confirms the diagnosis of AD.


What is Alzheimer’s Disease and how does amyloid beta factor into the development and progression of the disease? 

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