Science Multiple Choice

2. Mammals have two traits that set them apart from all other animals. These are

A) amniotic eggs and milk production.

B) body hair or fur, and milk production.

C) four-chambered heart and body hair or fur.

D) four-chambered heart and milk production.

E) body hair or fur, and being homeothermic.

3. Which of the following adaptations to life on land is found in both insects and modern reptiles?

A) metamorphosis from a larval form

B) tracheae to distribute oxygen

C) two pairs of walking legs

D) ability to fly

E) body surfaces that resist evaporation

6. Cnidarians and ctenophores are similar in that they both have

A) radial symmetry.

B) a digestive tract with two openings.

C) a pseudocoel.

D) mesoderm.

E) nematocysts.

7. In cnidarians, nematocysts are important in

A) movement.

B) obtaining oxygen from the water.

C) excretion of wastes.

D) obtaining prey.

E) food digestion.

13. The segmented worms of the phylum Annelida

A) display radial symmetry.

B) move by use of flagella.

C) have an open circulatory system.

D) are acoelomate.

E) possess setae on each segment.

17. It is generally thought that four critical innovations arose during the evolution of our ape-like ancestors into humans. All of the following are innovations except

A) bipedalism.

B) toolmaking.

C) expansion of the human brain.

D) use of brain power for abstract thought.

E) development of the opposable thumb.

18. It is generally thought that animals have undergone four major physiological and anatomical innovations during their evolution. These are (in no particular order)

A) origin of patterns of embryonic development, development of the versatile forelimb, origin of the multichambered heart, multicellularity.

B) multicellularity, bilateral symmetry, origin of patterns of embryonic development, development of tissues.

C) development of tissues, photosynthesis, bilateral symmetry, multicellularity.

D) development of the versatile forelimb, multicellularity, origin of patterns of embryonic development, development of tissues.

E) bilateral symmetry, development of tissues, origin of the multichambered heart, origin of patterns of embryonic development.

19. Which of the following is not a characteristic differentiating Neanderthals from modern humans?

A) Neanderthals had larger noses.

B) Neanderthals had projecting brow ridges.

C) Neanderthals were stronger.

D) Neanderthals were shorter.

E) Neanderthals had smaller brains.

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