Self Care Change Part One-Preparation and Self Care Change Part Two-Recording Your PCI


If you started this project in RELP 316, all you need to do is submit the seven key signs of personal
craziness( in this assignment’s submission box) that you gathered information for in the previous course.
You will now start to reflect and track your own spiritual health which includes information collected from a
values assessment, the Personal Craziness index (PCI), daily emotional awareness, as well as the warning
signs from the PCI.
**If you did not start this project in RELP 316, you will need to complete Part Two-Recording Your PCI. PCI-Part 2
The PCI is effective only when a careful record is maintained. Recording your daily progress in conjunction with
regular journal keeping will help you to keep focused on priorities which keep life manageable; work on program
efforts a day at a time; expand your knowledge of personal patterns; provide a warning in periods of vulnerability to
self-destructive cycles or addictive relapse.
From the thirty or more signs of personal craziness you recorded, choose the seven that are most critical for you. At
the end of each day, review the list of seven key signs and count the ones you did that day, giving each behavior one
point Record your total for that day in the space provided on the chart. If you fail to record the number of points for
each day, that day receives an automatic score of 7. (If you cannot even do your score, you are obviously out of
balance.) At the end of each week, total your seven daily scores and make an X on graph. Pause and reflect on
where you are in your recovery. Chart your progress over a five-week period.
For Example: My seven key signs of personal craziness are:
1. In bed 12am – 8am.
2. Eat two balanced meals.
3. Bicycle.
4. Plan daily shopping.
5. Make support calls.
6. Be patient.
7. Practice 12-Steps.
For This Assignment You will need to submit your seven key signs of Personal Craziness.
You will start to reflect and track your own spiritual health which includes information collected from a
values assessment, the Personal Craziness index (PCI), daily emotional awareness, as well as the warning
signs from the PCI. You will be tracking your wholeness goals, warning sign derived from the Personal
Craziness Index, and your emotional awareness for the day by marking the HALTS grid and writing a feeling
word. At the end of each day, review the categories of spiritual health (wholeness goals, warning signs, and
emotional awareness), giving each wholeness goal and warning sign one point. Record your total for the
day in the space provided on the chart provided. Remember for the warning sings, if you fail to record the
number of points for each day, that day receives an automatic score of 7. (If you cannot even do your score,
you are obviously out of balance.) At the end of each week, total your seven daily scores for the warning
signs and make an X on the graph. This information will be turned in 3 times this semester.
You will also be expected to write a 100 word reflection on your interaction with the log that week
Make use of these weekly reflections to build up data for your final project. Reflect on your personal health for your home,
student, and clinical life. This will help to increase your awareness of how you are interacting with yourself, family, patients and
All information for this project is located in Module 1 after this assignment.